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Catechism of the Catholic Church
1035 The
teaching of the Catholic Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity.
Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin
descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal
fire." The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in
whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and
for which he longs.
1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”618 (1734, 1428)
Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we should follow the advice of the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life is completed, we may merit to enter with him into the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, and not, like the wicked and slothful servants, be ordered to depart into the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where “men will weep and gnash their teeth.”619
1037 God predestines no one to go to hell;620 for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want “any to perish, but all to come to repentance”:621
Father, accept this offering
from your whole family.
Grant us your peace in this life,
save us from final damnation,
and count us among those you have chosen.622
Numbers 16:30
But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord
But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord
Numbers 16:33
And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.
And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.
Job 21:13
They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment they go down to hell.
They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment they go down to hell.
According to Mark 10:25 Luke 18:25 Matthew 19:23-24 it will be very hard for the rich to enter heaven for they do not know God except for their love of money which is the man-made idol - an idolatry. They do not feed the hungry but instead fill their belly up with their desire for so much wealth in this world. They do not give shelter to poor homeless one.
When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood 12 has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matt. 16:13 – 19)
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Is this where you want to go afterlife? |
Nature of suffering in hell
It is agreed that hell is a place of suffering.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels, and they will gather. . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire", and that he will pronounce the condemnation: "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!" You maybe enjoying life now in many varying degrees or situation but afterlife, joy in sin will be sorrow and pain eternal in hell or pain and sorrow now but joy eternal in heaven. The choice afterlife has to be done here and now while you are still have the chance to reform your lives.
The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire". The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.
It is agreed that hell is a place of suffering.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels, and they will gather. . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire", and that he will pronounce the condemnation: "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!" You maybe enjoying life now in many varying degrees or situation but afterlife, joy in sin will be sorrow and pain eternal in hell or pain and sorrow now but joy eternal in heaven. The choice afterlife has to be done here and now while you are still have the chance to reform your lives.
The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire". The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.
Don't just take eternal separation from God literally because there are two kinds of pain one will suffer in hell: First spiritually is 'knowing you will never be with God in heaven - you lose God eternally" and second is literally the physical pain of burning in hell for all eternity." In hell all human senses are retained. You will feel the physical pain of burning or being eaten by worms but you are not consumed. You will smell the worst foul odor many times the smell of a decaying body of humans or animals. You will hear all sorts of hellish sounds and the thundering voices of the devils. You will see with your own eyes all the sufferings of all condemned souls in hell and most painful is you will continue to see all your family and friends that are still alive yet they don't see you and now you would feel sorry that you blow it up. But most of all you will retain all your memory and you will remember just before you died God has given you the last chance to repent and ask Him for mercy and forgiveness yet you took afterlife for granted thinking there is no such hell.
Although the Catechism explicitly speaks of the punishments of hell in the plural, calling them "eternal fire", and speaks of eternal separation from God as the "chief" of those punishments, one commentator claims that it is non-committal on the existence of forms of punishment other than that of separation of God. Another interpretation is that the Catechism by no means denies other forms of suffering, but stresses that the pain of loss is central to the Catholic understanding of hell.
Although the Catechism explicitly speaks of the punishments of hell in the plural, calling them "eternal fire", and speaks of eternal separation from God as the "chief" of those punishments, one commentator claims that it is non-committal on the existence of forms of punishment other than that of separation of God. Another interpretation is that the Catechism by no means denies other forms of suffering, but stresses that the pain of loss is central to the Catholic understanding of hell.
Whatever interpretation you may have about hell or what you have heard from preachers or friends or anyone all around, take heed and do not take the risk for it your own soul that is in question here. Everyone to each own. Each takes care of his own soul and you take care of yours. Don't live your soul in the care by others as they can't. You have to be repentant always and you must live a good Christian life according to the will of God Almighty.
Saint Augustine of Hippo said that the suffering of hell is compounded because God continues to love the sinner who is not able to return the love. According to the Church, whatever is the nature of the sufferings, "they are not imposed by a vindictive judge"
"Concerning the detailed specific nature of hell ... the Catholic Church has defined nothing. ... It is useless to speculate about its true nature, and more sensible to confess our ignorance in a question that evidently exceeds human understanding. " Yet take no risk. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Take this test - put your hands on top of a burning red hot stove and see what will happen to your hands and measure the pain you will feel. Measure that 1,000 plus more and count the eternal pains every seconds in hell ... yes non-stop and until the end of time if time will stop.
The varying Protestant views of "hell", both in relation to Hades (i.e., the abode of the dead) and Gehenna (i.e., the destination of the wicked), are largely a function of the varying Protestant views on the intermediate state between death and resurrection; and different views on the immortality of the soul or the alternative, the conditional immortality. For example John Calvin, who believed in conscious existence after death, had a very different concept of hell (Hades and Gehenna) to Martin Luther who held that death was sleep.
In most Protestant traditions, hell is the place created by God for the punishment of the devil and fallen angels (cf. Matthew 25:41), and those whose names are not written in the book of life (cf. Revelation 20:1). It is the final destiny of every person who does not receive salvation, where they will be punished for their sins. People will be consigned to hell after the last judgment.
Saint Augustine of Hippo said that the suffering of hell is compounded because God continues to love the sinner who is not able to return the love. According to the Church, whatever is the nature of the sufferings, "they are not imposed by a vindictive judge"
"Concerning the detailed specific nature of hell ... the Catholic Church has defined nothing. ... It is useless to speculate about its true nature, and more sensible to confess our ignorance in a question that evidently exceeds human understanding. " Yet take no risk. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Take this test - put your hands on top of a burning red hot stove and see what will happen to your hands and measure the pain you will feel. Measure that 1,000 plus more and count the eternal pains every seconds in hell ... yes non-stop and until the end of time if time will stop.
In most Protestant traditions, hell is the place created by God for the punishment of the devil and fallen angels (cf. Matthew 25:41), and those whose names are not written in the book of life (cf. Revelation 20:1). It is the final destiny of every person who does not receive salvation, where they will be punished for their sins. People will be consigned to hell after the last judgment.
Dante's Inferno gave the world one of the more detailed and imaginative descriptions of hell. Find out how far this poem has come in the 700 years since it was written.
But The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail!
Matthew 16:18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Feastday: June 22
Patron converts, refugees, torture victims
St. Alban was the first martyr of England, his own country (homeland). During a persecution of Christians, Alban, though a pagan, hid a priest in his house. The priest made such a great impression on him that Alban received instructions and became a Christian himself.
Patron converts, refugees, torture victims
St. Alban was the first martyr of England, his own country (homeland). During a persecution of Christians, Alban, though a pagan, hid a priest in his house. The priest made such a great impression on him that Alban received instructions and became a Christian himself.
In the meantime, the governor had been told that the priest was hiding in Alban's house, and he sent his soldiers to capture him. But Alban changed clothes with his guest, and gave himself up in his stead. The judge was furious when he found out that the priest had escaped and he said to Alban, "You shall get the punishment he was to get unless you worship the gods." The Saint answered that he would never worship those false gods again. "To what family do you belong?" demanded the judge. "That does not concern you," said Alban. "If you want to know my religion, I am a Christian." Angrily the judge commanded him again to sacrifice to the gods at once. "Your sacrifices are offered to devils," answered the Saint. "They cannot help you or answer your requests. The reward for such sacrifices is the everlasting punishment of Hell."
Since he was getting nowhere, the judge had Alban whipped. Then he commanded him to be beheaded. On the way to the place of execution, the soldier who was to kill the Saint was converted himself, and he too, became a martyr.
South Korean pastor, Bo Ra Choi has seen
vision of hell for the last several years.
She has seen so many people in hell and
said she saw Mohammad in hell too!
said she saw Mohammad in hell too!
Unbiblical Beliefs
and the Road to Hell!
These are some churches whose teachings and beliefs are not truly biblical but rather assertions or mis-interpretations at times made-up to suit their intentions.
Member has to think twice and meditate about them - there is still enough time to change - there is no second chance in hell.
The vanity of men that leads to perdition
Member has to think twice and meditate about them - there is still enough time to change - there is no second chance in hell.
The vanity of men that leads to perdition
1 |
2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 1:7
We have been seduced by vanity, and have not kept thy commandments, and ceremonies and judgments, which thou hast commanded thy servant Moses. | ||||||||||||
2 |
Job 11:11
For he knoweth the vanity of men, and when he seeth iniquity, doth he not consider it? | ||||||||||||
3 |
Job 31:5
If I have walked in vanity, and my foot hath made haste to deceit: | ||||||||||||
4 |
Psalms 4:3
O ye sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart? why do you love vanity, and seek after lying? | ||||||||||||
5 |
Psalms 25:4
I have not sat with the council of vanity: neither will I go in with the doers of unjust things. | ||||||||||||
6 |
Psalms 38:6
Behold thou hast made my days measurable: and my substance is as nothing before thee. And indeed all things are vanity: every man living. | ||||||||||||
7 |
Psalms 51:9
Behold the man that made not God his helper: But trusted in the abundance of his riches: and prevailed in his vanity. | ||||||||||||
8 |
Psalms 61:10
But vain are the sons of men, the sons of men are liars in the balances: that by vanity they may together deceive. | ||||||||||||
9 |
Psalms 77:33
And their days were consumed in vanity, and their years in haste. | ||||||||||||
10 |
Psalms 118:37
Turn away my eyes that they may not behold vanity: quicken me in thy way. | ||||||||||||
11 |
Psalms 143:4
Man is like to vanity: his days pass away like a shadow.
When there is vanity there is pride - the favorite sin of the devil.
Tobias (Tobit) 4:14 - Never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, or in thy words: for from it all perdition took its beginning.
.......and self arrogance against the truth will lead one to hell - the eternal damnation.
.......and self arrogance against the truth will lead one to hell - the eternal damnation.
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We are the Soldiers of Christ and We Will Continue to Fight All Evils Wherever They Are!
The Silent Crusader
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