This is the full text in follow up of the of August 28, 2013 posting
Silent Crusader.
TRIUMPH of the
Fourth Edition
Published by
Kreuzer Brothers,
00 North Street 1877,
By Father Michael Muller, C.Ss.R.
This great triumph of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
over Satan occurred in the presence of more than
150,000 people, in the presence of the
ecclesiastical and civil authorities of the city,
of Protestants and Catholics alike.
I have published a lengthy account of this
extraordinary affair in a little volume entitled
"Triumph of the Blessed Sacrament."
These facts are well authenticated by the accounts
published in various languages –
French, Italian, Spanish, and German, as I shown on
pages 13, 14, and 15 of the above-mentioned little volume.
It is indeed a remarkable fact that, as
the devil made use of Luther, an apostate monk,
to abolish the Mass and deny the Real Presence,
in like manner God made use of His arch-enemy,
the devil, to prove the Real Presence.
God repeatedly forced the devil publicly
to profess his firm belief in it, to confound
the devil made use of Luther, an apostate monk,
to abolish the Mass and deny the Real Presence,
in like manner God made use of His arch-enemy,
the devil, to prove the Real Presence.
God repeatedly forced the devil publicly
to profess his firm belief in it, to confound
the heretics for their disbelief, and
acknowledge himself vanquished by
For this purpose God allowed a certain
Mme. Nicola Aubrey, an innocent person,
to become possessed by Beelzebub (devil)
and twenty-nine other evil spirits.
The possession took place on the
eighth of November, 1565, and lasted
until the eighth of February, 1566.
Chapter 1
I know that there are many who call themselves
Christians, and who believe in the Redemption, and yet, absurdly enough, deny
the personal existence of Satan.
They assert, with an air of profound wisdom, that the
word “devil,”
“Satan,” is simply the imaginary
personification of all the evil influences to which we are subject in this
life. But I ask: What can be more absurd than to deny what all nations, without
exception, have always believed, and still believe—the personal existence of
the devil?
What can be more impious than to deny what we find
asserted in plain words, on almost every page of Holy Writ—the personal
existence of the devil?
Holy Scripture tells us that Satan, in the form of a
serpent, seduced Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit; it declares that all the
gods of the Gentiles are devils; it tells us that the devil is the prince of
this world; that he goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may
devour; it bids us resist the devil, and he will flee from us. St. Paul speaks
of the prince and the powers of the air that besiege us, and against whom we
must put on the whole armor of God, and do valiant battle.
Moreover, Holy Scripture speaks of demoniacs, or persons
possessed with devils; and, among the marvelous works ascribed to Jesus Christ,
is that of expelling demons, or casting out devils.
As to Catholics, there can be no question concerning the
personal existence of Satan.
The Catholic Church plainly and unequivocally recognizes
the existence of Satan, as may be gathered from the prayers and ceremonies of
Baptism, as well as from the significance of the Sacrament itself; and not only
his existence, but his power over the natural man, and even material objects.
The Catholic Church has also her exorcists, and her precise forms and prayers
for exorcising evil spirits.
Besides, every Christian knows that the Son of God became
man and died upon the cross for no other purpose than to destroy the works of
the devil, and to redeem mankind from his power.
Now to assert that there is no devil is to assert that
Jesus Christ suffered so much from no motive, that His mission had no object;
it is to deny the work of Redemption. What can be more blasphemous than such an
Again, what can be more contrary to sound reason than to
deny the existence of the devil? They who deny the personal existence of the
devil must either deny the existence of evil altogether, which is absurd, or
they must admit the existence of an unbeginning—eternal principle of evil—which
is a palpable blasphemy.
No, my friends! God alone has existed from all eternity.
By His word He has created heaven and earth, and all things visible and
invisible. God, in His infinite wisdom, created beings gifted with intelligence
and free will and, consequently, capable of acting wrong as well as right.
All the works of God, when they came forth from His
hands, were good, very good. It was, then, by the abuse of their intelligence
and freewill, it was by refusing to observe the just laws of God, that His
creatures became wicked, and that evil was introduced into the world.
Satan and his hosts were created by God as bright and
beautiful angels; but of their own freewill, they rebelled against God. “I will be like
to the Most High.” (Isa. xiv.
12.) They refused to worship the incarnate Son of God, and they were,
consequently, cast out of heaven. The moment they committed that sin of pride
and disobedience, they were instantly transformed into hideous demons. They are
called the Princes of Darkness, of the Air, and of the World.
Lucifer and his demons
disobeyed God and refused to worship Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.
There are many churches
founded by men in the world today that are in line with Lucifer's and his
demons' sins of pride and disobedience?
Try to find out and weigh
your church's teachings if they are in this category. If your church is, there
is still plenty of time and chance to reform oneself and renounce unbelief
now and align with Jesus Christ the Son of God. Or continue to be a blind
follower one is now in total obedience and submission without question to one's founder's false belief, heretical, blasphemous and error-filled teachings?
Silent Crusader
They differ in rank; they form a kind of hierarchy, and
some are worse than others.
Their prince is sometimes called Lucifer, sometimes Belial
(i.e., the Rebel), also Satan 1 (i.e.,The Enemy/Adversary), or Beelzebub, 2 from
the chief idol of the Accaronites.
The rage, malice, and envy of the devils against man, and
their enmity to all good, are implacable. Satan, the chief of the fallen
spirits, makes his attacks upon men by putting on all shapes: sometimes by
craft, or by snares and stratagems, as the old serpent; sometimes by disguises,
transforming himself into an angel of light, and assuming the air of piety;
sometimes by open assaults and violence, as the roaring lion.
He studies and observes every one’s character, natural
dispositions, inclinations, virtues and vices, to find out, and make his
attacks on, everyone’s weakest point.
The natural subtlety and strength of Satan are
exceedingly great, as appears from the perfection of his being, which is purely
spiritual, and from examples, when God has suffered him to exert his power in a
more remarkable manner. Holy Scripture tells us that the devils hurried the
swine into the lake; that they killed the first seven husbands of Sara; that
they have slain armies in one night; have often disturbed nature, and stirred
up tempests, which struck whole provinces with terror, and ravaged the whole
What did Satan not do against holy Job?
He killed his cattle and his children. He covered Job
himself with ulcers from head to foot.
And, in our own day, what did he not do against the
saintly Curé of Ars, in France, for the space of thirty years?
Moreover, by clear proofs, it is also manifest that Satan
can, by divine permission, enter our bodies, compel, as it were, the human
being to stand aside and use our organs himself, and do whatever he pleases
with them. But he cannot annihilate the human being, or take from the soul its
freewill. It is always in the power of the possessed to resist, morally and
effectually, the evil intentions of the devil. The possessed person retains his
own consciousness, his own intellectual and moral faculties unimpaired, and he
never confounds himself with the spirit that possesses him. He always retains
the power of internal protest and struggle. Whenever this power is exercised,
and there is clearly a struggle, there is no responsibility whatever of
attaching to him the crimes which the body, through the possession of the
devil, is made to commit. But unfortunately it very often happens that this
power to protest is not exercised, and the possessed person yields his moral as
sent to the crimes committed by the demon that possesses him.
This explains why there are so many evil people among our midst. People are unable to protest or resist the demons within and yields morality to their possessor. There are hardened criminals, liars, fornicators, sodomites, prostitutes, idolaters, cheaters, haters, robbers, thieves, infidels, adulterers, etc. everywhere around us.
They have nothing in their
minds but to enjoy sinning or drive people to commit horrendous evil deeds.
This horn sign also called the goat hand sign is the favorite hand sign of the devil and his advocates. You will see politicians and celebrities display this hand sign of the devil.
This horn sign also called the goat hand sign is the favorite hand sign of the devil and his advocates. You will see politicians and celebrities display this hand sign of the devil.
If you love God stay away from this sign!
Silent Crusader
Such diabolical possessions have been more or less
frequent in different times and places. This is confirmed by the testimony and
experience of all ages, and of all nations, even to the remotest Indies. Such
facts both the Old and New Testaments evince.
However, with regard to the effects of magic and
possessions of devils, the Catholic Church says, in her Ritual, that such
extraordinary effects are not to be easily supposed. That superstitious,
credulity, and imposture are to be guarded against, and that natural
distempers, such as certain species of madness, extraordinary palsies,
epilepsies, or the like, are not to be construed into effects of enchantments
or possessions, which are not to be presumed upon ridiculous compacts and
signs, nor upon vulgar prejudices and notions of the manner in which such
things are done, but must be made apparent by circumstances
1 Satan
is a Aramaic-Hebrew word and has two possible forms (satan/le·sa·tan) and
(Satan/has·sa·tan), which the former meaning an adversary while the latter
means “The Adversary of God,” a.k.a. Lucifer.
2 Beelzebub (Heb / Baal-zebub) is a fallen angle
who was from the Choir of Seraphim. In Hebrew his name means “lord (or god) of
the flying ones” (a.k.a. Lord of the flies). In Canaanite his name means “Lord
of the high place,” or “Exalted Baal.”
Within the Bible,
one is not able to discern if Beelzebub and Lucifer are one and the same,
however, thanks to Swiss revelations, we now have knowledge that they are two
separate Demons, and that Beelzebub is the second in command of hell. This
knowledge is not new, as there have been several Saints who have explained that
Lucifer is the primary demon of hell, e.g., The Mystical City of God by Ven.
Maria de Agreda., and there have also been exorcism where this information was
revealed, as is revealed in this book. Also during an exorcism the second
highest principle demon “Beelzebub” has, himself to be known as the opponent to
St. Jehudiel the Archangel.
The criteria of demoniac invasion or possession, as laid
down by the Catholic Church for the guidance of exorcists, are the following:—
1. Understanding of unknown languages.
2. Power of speaking unknown or foreign languages.
3. Knowledge of things passing in distant places.
4. Exhibition of superior physical strength.
5. Suspension of the body in the air during a
considerable time.
Although Satan, with implacable envy and malice, studies
to disturb our temporal happiness and to compass our eternal ruin both by
stratagems and open assaults, yet it is certain that he can tempt and assail us
only to a certain degree; lie can go only the length of his chain, that is, as
far as God permits him. This is evident from the history of Job. Before Satan
was bound, or his power curbed by the triumph of Christ over him, and the
spreading of the happy light and influence of the Gospel throughout the world,
the empire which Satan exercised on earth was much greater than since that time.
However, there can be no doubt that, in our own days, the power and influence
of Satan over an immense number of men is great, very great; and it will
increase in proportion as they approach heathenism and infidelity, and leave
the true religion.
The Catholic Church recommends to all her faithful
children, constant prayer and watchfulness against the temptations assaults of
the devil. Against the mischievous influence of his malice against men, the
Catholic Church has instituted, and always practiced, exorcisms and blessings.
She teaches that – men being created to fill up the places of the apostate
angels – Lucifer, with his associates, is permitted by God to spread his snares
and exert the efforts of his malice against us, that, in these trials, we may
give proof of our fidelity, and may purchase, by victories and triumphs, that
bliss for which we are created.
The following facts are so extraordinary, that many will,
perhaps, doubt their authenticity. Tore move, then, beforehand, every vestige
of doubt from your minds, I need only state that I have in my possession a
correct translation of the authentic documents from which these facts are
1. These facts are well authenticated by the accounts
published in various languages ― French, Italian, Spanish, and German.
2. They are mentioned by the most celebrated historians
of the time in which they happened, among whom are —
a. Cardinal Baronius (wrote
b. Genebrard (1590), professor
of the Hebrew language in the Royal College in France, and afterwards
Archbishop of Aix, one of the most celebrated men of his time.
c. These facts are mentioned by
Father Delrio, S. J., in his work on Magic.
d. They are mentioned by Dom
Viart, in his history of St. Vincent de Paul.
e. Francis Frondener, in his
Dictionnaire des villes (1680).
f. Vilette, Doctor of Theology,
and Archdeacon of Laon, in his history of our Lady of Liesse.
g. Florimond Rémond, a
Protestant historian, wrote an account of these facts. He was present at the
last and most remarkable exorcism. He and his whole family became Catholics
after having witnessed these wonderful events.
h. A lawyer of Laon wrote an
account of them to one of his friends in Paris.
i. Goerres mentions these facts
in his Mystic Theology, Vol. IV. p. 316.
3. These facts are authenticated, moreover, by the
monuments, which were erected at the time, to commemorate this extraordinary
event. There was erected, in Laon, a stone image to perpetuate
the remembrance of these miraculous facts. Also pious foundations were
established to commemorate these wonderful events. Every year, on the eighth of February, there was a Mass
and a solemn procession in Laon, to commemorate the great miracle. Also, at Vervius, a Mass and Vespers were celebrated
every Thursday in the year to commemorate this miracle.
4. The account of these facts has been submitted to the
careful scrutiny of the University of Paris, and has received the full approval
of that learned body.
5. The history of these facts has been approved by the
Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese in which they took place.
6. The account of these facts has been declared authentic
by the most learned theologians in Rome, and has been ordered to be printed in
various languages by the Popes Pius V. and Gregory XIII.
7. These wonderful facts, moreover, were witnessed by one
hundred and fifty thousand persons Protestants as well as Catholics.
After these preliminary remarks, I now proceed to
entertain you with the wonderful fact recorded in the history of Nicola Aubrey.
you will read below is the transcript of what really happened
the exorcism of Nicola Aubry.
- Silent Crusader
Chapter II
Nicola Aubry was born of Catholic parents in the year
1549, in the town of Vervius, in France. She received a good Catholic
education, and was married at the age of sixteen. Nothing very remarkable
happened to her until November 1565, on the feast of “All Souls.” On that day
she went to the churchyard, and, kneeling on the grave of her grandfather, who
had died two years previously, she began to pray for the repose of his soul.
Whilst she was thus praying, she suddenly saw, standing before her, a man
entirely enveloped in a long, white shroud. “I am your grandfather,” said this strange
apparition, in a solemn voice. Nicola rushed home in terror, and hid herself in
a corner of the house. (Her relations, supposing that she was sick, gave her
medicine, but Nicola could find no relief.) But the spirit haunted her and
tormented her continually.
On the seventh of November this spirit appeared to her
again, but now his face was uncovered. It was unmistakably the face of her
grandfather, Joachim Villot.”
“Fear not,” said the spirit, “I am your grandfather.”
Nicola fainted away, and seemed at the very point of
death. During the swoon, the spirit told her that he had to suffer very much in
purgatory, because, during life, he had vowed to make several pilgrimages, and
was suddenly taken away from this life without having fulfilled his promise. He
requested that her husband Louis, and her two uncles Nicholas and Augustine,
should make the pilgrimages he had promised. Three of the places which he named
were in France, and the fourth was St. James of Compostella, in Spain. He also
requested her to have alms given, and masses offered for the repose of his
soul. He then said: “Fear nothing, my child; pray to God and the Virgin Mary. You
will yet behold wonderful things, for great are the mysteries of God?"
Nicola recovered from her swoon, and related all that the
spirit had told her, but said not a word
about the pilgrimage to Spain. She then conjured those
present to comply with his wishes. Her relations at first looked upon all that
Nicola said as the effect of a disordered imagination; but at last they
consented to comply with her request, in the hope that she would thereby regain
her peace of mind.
On the ninth of November, her husband and two uncles of
Nicola set out on their pilgrimage. During the journey, Nicola accompanied them
in spirit. She related, to those around her, everything that the three pilgrims
said and did.
Her words were not believed at the time; but nine days
after, when the pilgrims returned, they confirmed the truth of all that she had
A solemn Requiem Mass was now offered up for the repose
of the grandfather’s soul, and the friends of Nicola returned from church,
expecting to find her entirely restored to health. Imagine their terror, when,
on their return, they found that she had disappeared. They sought her everywhere,
and at last found her crouched under the bed, with her hands clinched
Nicola at last came to herself, and related how, as she
was about to go to church, she was suddenly seized by an invisible hand, hurled
to the ground, and dragged under the bed. She said that she should have been
killed outright, had not some higher power saved her. It was pitiful to see how
the poor young woman wept and moaned, as if in the greatest agony. “Ask the
spirit,” said the mother, “to tell you what he wants. We are willing to make
every sacrifice, in order to bring you relief.” “My grandfather tells me,” said
Nicola, at last, “that those who have made the other pilgrimages must also go
to St. James of Compostella, in Spain. I did not speak of it before, as I did
not wish to give trouble to my husband and my uncles. But my grandfather says
that he will torture me, and make me deaf, dumb and blind, until the
pilgrimages are made.”
The parents of Nicola were greatly troubled at these words,
but they thought still that it might be all the effect of a disordered
imagination. So they hit upon a very simple plan, which they thought would
satisfy her. Her husband and her uncles came to her dressed as pilgrims ready
for a long journey, and affectionately took leave of her. But instead of going
to Spain, which was well-nigh impossible at that cold winter season, each went
to his work as usual. The pretended pilgrims had been gone scarcely an hour
when Nicola screamed out: “Oh father, Oh mother, mother, have you no pity on
me? See, my grandfather says he will torture me, and wrench all my limbs,
because the pilgrimage is not made.” “But, my child,” answered the mother, “did
you not see them yourself starting on their journey?” “No!” cried Nicola,” they
have not yet left the city. Louis is in his father’s house sitting near the
fire, and my uncles are at work.”
The parents were thunderstruck. What Nicola said was
literally true.
The parents now sent for the priest, and it was resolved
to use the exorcism of the Church, in order to find out whether the spirit was
from God or not. While they were consulting about the matter, Nicola fell into
a swoon, and, on coming to herself again, she said: “My grandfather says that whoever
wishes to exorcise him should have a clear conscience. He desires that Rev. F.
Lautrichet should undertake the task.”
The mother hastened to F. Lautrichet, and told him what
her daughter had said, and begged him to free her, if possible, from this
troublesome spirit. F. Lautrichet refused, at first, out of humility; but at last
he yielded to the good woman’s repeated entreaties. He consulted all the
priests of the city, and prepared himself for his terrible task by confession,
prayer, and fasting. He then went to the house of Nicola, and there, in the
presence of several of the most prominent citizens of the place, he began the
First Exorcism.
First Exorcism
"Who art thou?” said the priest, in a solemn voice;
“speak, I command thee, in the name of God.” The spirit answered through the half-opened mouth of Nicola. He spoke
in a deep, hollow voice, without even once moving her lips. “I am,” replied he
“from God, I am from the Blessed Virgin and all the saints of heaven. I am the
soul of Joachim Villot.”
He then related how his wife had been once very sick, so
that he even bought the shroud for her burial. He vowed at the time that if she
should recover, he would make a pilgrimage to Compostella, in Spain. But he
died suddenly, one evening, after supper, without ever telling anyone of his
He also spoke of the fearful sufferings he had to endure in purgatory.
He also spoke of the fearful sufferings he had to endure in purgatory.
The wife of the deceased Joachim was present, and
confirmed the truth of what the spirit had said.
“Is it then really necessary,” asked the priest, once
more, “is it absolutely necessary that this long pilgrimage should be made?”
“Yes,” answered the spirit, “absolutely necessary.” “But,” asked the priest, “will
it not do if someone else makes this pilgrimage?” “No!” answered the spirit;
“the very same ones must go who have made the other pilgrimages.”
A few days after, the parents of Nicola were speaking
with the priest about the great difficulty of making a pilgrimage to Spain in
midwinter, and especially at a time when the whole country was in a state of
revolution. The spirit interrupted them, and said: “Why! Don’t you know that
this pilgrimage can be changed into some other good work?” “To what other good
work?” asked the priest?
“Why, they can go to the Church of St. Claude, to St.
Gervasius, or to St. Nicholas,” answered the spirit. “Or you can have eight
solemn masses offered up, seven at Vervins and the eighth at St. Nicholas. Or,
better still, you can have a low mass said at St. Nicholas; and, at the same
time, you must make an offering of a piece of wax. The three pilgrims should
set out immediately; they will have fine weather during their journey. As soon
as they return, Nicola and her grandmother must go to Liesse, and have a mass
offered up for my soul. There they will see me hovering over the altar in the shape
of a dove. I will bid them farewell three times, and then enter the joys of
heaven. Moreover, every Friday you must offer up, at my grave, a Requiem Mass
and a ‘De profundis. ’ Of course it will not help me anymore, for I shall be in
heaven, but it will be of great advantage to you."
All these strange and contradictory orders gave rise to
the strongest suspicions that the spirit was not, after all, the soul of
Joachim Villot.
Rev. F. Lourdet, one of the priests present, said: “I can
hardly believe that thou art the soul of Joachim Villot. Art thou not, perhaps,
an angel?” “Yes,” answered the spirit, “I am the good angel of the deceased.”
“A good angel!” exclaimed the priest, “I can hardly
believe that; good angels never take forcible possession of the human body, and
they do not torment the children of God.”
“I have not taken possession of Nicola’s body,” answered
the spirit; “I only speak through her mouth. I do so by the permission of God.
The saints must be served, and the vows we make must be fulfilled.”
“But thou art in her body,” replied the priest, “Since
thou speakest through her mouth. What thou sayest about serving the saints, is
false. They do not seek their own honor; they desire only the honor of God. It
is clear, then, that thou art not the soul of Joachim Villot, nor his good
angel, but that thou art an evil— spirit a demon of hell.”
The spirit was silent, and Nicola fainted away.
De Motta
The priests of the city consulted together once more; at
last they resolved to send for a learned and holy missionary, named de Motta.
They requested him to exorcise the spirit. De Motta inquired into all the
particulars of the case, obtained from the Vicar-General full powers to employ
the exorcisms of the Church, and came to Vervins on the twenty-sixth of
November. Next morning, he went to the house of Nicola. As soon as he entered,
the poor woman was instantly tormented by the spirit. Six strong men were
scarcely able to hold her down. Father de Motta began the exorcism in Latin,
but the spirit would not answer. The priest then said in French: “I command
thee, in the name of the living God, to tell me who thou art.”
“I am the good angel of Joachim Villot,” answered the
spirit. “No,” said the priest, “thou first sadist that thou wert the grandfather
of Nicola, but that is false, for one body does not take possession of another.
Thou then saidst that thou wert the soul of Joachim Villot, but that is also
false, for a human soul never takes possession of the body of another. Thou
next saidst that thou wert the good angel of Joachim Villot, but this again is
false, for good angels do not take possession of the bodies of men to torture
them, as thou hast done. Thou art, then, neither a human soul nor an angel, but
a lying spirit, a demon of hell.”
“I am not in her body,” replied the spirit, “I am only
near her.”
“Thou liest,” said the priest; “thou art really in her
body, and thou tormentest her. I adjure thee, then, by these holy gospels” —
here the priest laid his hands upon the holy book — “confess the truth; thou
art a demon of hell.”
The evil spirit was silent. He was found out at last. It
was really the devil.
Nicola again fell into a swoon.
Satan Unmasked
A few days after someone, unknown to Nicola, sprinkled
her bed with holy water. Immediately Nicola sat upright, and made one thousand
crosses upon her shoulders, her breast, and upon everyplace which the holy
water had touched. Someone gave her a rosary. She recited it with the greatest apparent
devotion. She then arranged it in the shape of a cross, and the rosary stood
upright without any visible aid. She then placed the rosary around her neck,
and no human power could take it away.
This was the last effort of Satan to disguise himself and
gain credit, but the exorcisms of the Church at last forced him to throw off
the mask.
On the thirtieth of November, Nicola was walking all
alone in her father’s garden. Suddenly a horrid black spectre (goblin) stood
before her.
“Aha!” cried him, gnashing his teeth and grinning
horribly. “Look at me! Am I not a nice grandfather?” He then seized her and
carried her off. Her parents sought her everywhere. At last her little brother,
who was only three years old, pointed to the top of the garden-wall, and cried
out, “Up there! Up there!”
They rushed into the garden, but Nicola was not to be
seen. At length the father in despair burst opens a small door that was firmly
bolted on the inside, and there, on the brink of a deep pit, he found his
daughter. She was still and cold as a block of marble.
At another time, whilst Nicola was in a swoon or
lethargy, those around her heard her speaking to the spirit. “What!” she cried,
“give thee a lock of my hair? No! Never! A piece of my clothes? No, I cannot.
Some of my father’s corn? No, it does not belong to me. A piece of the
window-glass? No! No! I will give thee nothing—nothing. I will make no compact
with thee.”
On coming to herself, Nicola said that a horrid black man
had appeared to her. She was now fully convinced that the spirit who appeared
to her so often was not her grandfather, but the devil himself. She was, then,
really possessed of the devil; but she always struggled, like a martyr, against
all his wicked suggestions.
On the first of December Nicola was walking up and down
the room in which her husband was working. Suddenly she turned to him, and
said: “Louis, do you not hear my little brother crying? Go and see what the
matter is.”
Louis, knowing the tricks of Satan, walked backwards to
the neighboring room, without ever once taking his eyes off his wife. He
glanced for an instant towards the cradle in which the child was laying; and,
when he turned round, his wife had disappeared. Her friends and relatives
looked for her everywhere, high and low, but she was not to be found. At last
one of the neighbors, who had gone up stairs, threw open a door which was
bolted on the outside, and there he found Nicola, crouching in a corner of the
room. The demon had carried her thither through the chimney, and yet she bore not
the least mark or stain of her strange journey.
On the second of December, Nicola asked for a drink. Her
husband gave her a glass of wine, into which he had, without her knowledge,
poured a few drops of holy water. Nicola raised the glass to her lips, but
suddenly she was seized with the most violent convulsions. Her features
changed—they were no longer human—it was now the face of a demon. The glass,
too, remained hanging to her lips.
On the third of December, Nicola was carried to church by
six strong men. It was as much as they could do to hold her.
Rev. Father de Motta, after having fasted and prayed,
began the First Public Solemn Exorcism
First Public Solemn Exorcism
The church was crowded with Protestants as well as
Catholics. Father de Motta began with the exorcisms used in baptism.
“Ho! ho!” cried the devil, in a mocking tone, “are you
going to baptize me? Go on. All your exorcisms will not drive me out of this
After all, it was evident that these exorcisms tormented
the devil horribly.
Nicola’s body twisted about like a serpent.
She then stood on her feet, and hurled her keepers to the
ground. Her bones cracked fearfully; it was as if every limb in her body were
The bystanders were filled with horror; they could not
bear to look upon her. Whilst the exorcism was going on, a large stone fell
from the ceiling upon the head of a woman who was present, and wounded her
severely. The devil laughed mockingly, and said that it was he who had caused
the stone to fall. He then began to prate and titter. He turned to the
Protestants, and called them his friends, his children, his faithful servants. He
then ridiculed them, and said that they had, on his account, broken the oath
they had taken never again to enter a Catholic Church.
Father de Motta now asked Satan: “Why didst thou not
answer me when I spoke to thee in Latin?” “Because I did not wish to be known,”
answered the demon. “Besides, I must speak in a language which the people can
all understand.”
“But,” asked the priest again, “why didst thou order
masses and prayers to be said, pilgrimages to be made, and alms to be given?”
“Because I knew,” answered the spirit, “that if I told
Nicola to kill her father and mother, or to commit some other great crime, she
would not obey me, and I should have been found out immediately. But I do not
reveal myself until I am forced to do so. Had they obeyed me, they would have
carried me in triumph on their shoulders. My business is to lie and to deceive;
otherwise, I should not be a demon.”
“Why, then, didst thou ask Nicola for a lock of her hair,
a piece of her clothes, and the like?”
“Because,” answered Satan, “I wished to make a compact
with her, and thereby gain power over her soul. If she had only yielded to me a
little, I would have taken entire possession of her heart. But the wretched
creature would not consent, for she knows now that I am a devil.”
The next day, Nicola was again taken to church, and
placed upon a platform so that all could see her. Father de Motta was assisted
during the exorcism by two priests. One of them carried some relics, among
which was a particle of the holy cross, and the other carried the sacred body
of our Lord enclosed in the corporal. Father de Motta now begged the people to
pray fervently with him.
He then recited the Litany, and read the four gospels and
the exorcisms prescribed by the Church. Then, pointing to the relics and to the
Blessed Sacrament, he said: “In the name, and by the power, of our Lord Jesus
Christ, by the real presence of His sacred body and blood here in the Sacrament
of the altar, I command thee, evil spirit, to depart from the body of this
creature of God! ”
At these solemn words the devil raved and barked,
bellowed and howled, in the most frightful manner. And as the sacred Host was
brought near to Nicola her whole body became horribly swollen, her eyes and
tongue protruded, and her whole face was shockingly distorted.
The priest then commanded the devil, by the power of the
thrice holy God, to reveal his name. After many evasive answers, and various
efforts to conceal himself, the devil was at last forced to tell the truth. “I
am,” he said, in a terrible voice, “I am Beelzebub.” The priest, then,
according to the prescription of the ritual, wrote the name of Beelzebub on
several pieces of paper, which he burned in the flame of a blessed candle. Whilst he was doing
this the devil howled and shrieked, as if suffering the greatest torture.
During one of the exorcisms, the priest asked the devil
where he went when he quit the body of Nicola. “I go walking,” answered the
“Where have you been, then, today?” asked de Motta.
“I have been in the forest of Montreuil. In this forest
there are plenty of robbers,” said Beelzebub. He then mentioned the names of
these robbers, and the various crimes they had committed. He also accused some
of the women present of the crime of witchcraft; and, as soon as they heard the
accusation, they instantly took their departure.
When he saw any Protestants or bad Catholics in the
church, he told publicly all their sins, even
the most secret and shameful, and then he mockingly called them his
friends and his children. “Yes, yes!” he cried; “you are mine; you are my
servants, and I am your master.”
The impure spirit then endowed Nicola with all the charms
of sensual beauty; he made unseemly gestures, uttered unclean jests, and words
of double meaning. Then turning to the husband of Nicola, he said: “Ha! Ha! You
didn't know that I was such a fine fellow.”
He thus tried to excite the vilest passions in the hearts
of those around him; but suddenly, at the command of the priest, he was struck
On another occasion Beelzebub was commanded to tell the reasons
why he was permitted to take possession of Nicola.
“It is now about four years ago,” said the demon, “that
Nicola went out walking with her little sister Isabel. Isabel wore around her
neck. a rosary which her mother had given her. They went to the house of a
neighboring woman, (here the devil mentioned her name,) and little Isabel’s
rosary was stolen. When they came home, the mother noticed that the rosary was
gone, and, in a fit of rage, she cursed Nicola. ‘May the devil take you!’ she
cried. ‘If you had stayed at home, the rosary would not have been lost.’ From
that time,” continued Beelzebub, “I had power over Nicola. I often tried to steal
her away, for the mother gave her to me. I often threw her down, in order to
kill her. I threw her into the fire, in order to burn her, and into the river,
to drown her. I tempted her to say foolish and wicked words. I tempted her to
steal money from her grandfather. I urged her to steal from her parents, and
she stole money, clothes, meat, butter—everything that she could lay her hands
on—and then gave them to her neighbors.” (Here the devil mentioned their
Nicola afterwards acknowledged that she had committed
these thefts. The devil then continued: “I was not permitted to take full
possession of Nicola, until her husband gave her over to me.” Here he turned
towards her husband, and said: “Do you not remember how once, when you were
very angry, you cursed your wife, and wished that the devil should take her?
From that moment I have possessed her and tormented her.”
“Now,” said the priest, “as thou have taken possession of
her, thou shalt instantly leave her; for she will confess all her sins, and ask
pardon of God, and of her husband and her parents. She will also restore
whatever she has stolen.”
“I shall take good care that she shall not be able to
confess,” answered Beelzebub, “for, before I leave her, I shall make her deaf,
dumb and blind.” Nicola soon fell again into a strange, unnatural lethargy.
Next day Father de Motta exhorted the people to pray for
the unhappy woman; he then applied a relic of the holy cross to her eyes, and
instantly they were opened. He next applied the holy relic to her ears, and her
hearing was instantly restored. Finally he applied the relic to her lips, and immediately
her tongue was loosed, and she begun to praise and thank God with great fervor.
She then made her confession, and asked pardon of her husband and her parents.
On the following week the devil again took possession of
Nicola, and tortured her. On being commanded, by the exorcist, to tell the
cause of this new possession, the evil spirit answered, with a look of fiendish
hate: “Aha! You intend to use stronger weapons against me! Very well! I, too,
will employ more powerful means against you. See! I shall call all the devils
of hell to my aid!”
“And I,” said the priest, “shall invoke the angels of
heaven to assist me. I fear neither thee, nor Lucifer, nor all the spirits of
At these words Satan bellowed like an ox, and made the
most frightful grimaces at the courageous priest. Nicola again fell into a
swoon, and became deaf, dumb and blind.
Power of the Blessed Sacrament
Father de Motta tried once more to expel the devil by
applying the sacred relic of the cross, but this time he could not succeed;
Satan would not depart. The priest now betook himself again to prayer, and
exhorted all the faithful to pray fervently with him. At last, inspired by the
Holy Ghost, he resolved to expel the devil by means of the Sacrament of our
Lord’s Body and Blood. Whilst Nicola was lying in the state of unnatural
lethargy, Father de Motta placed the Blessed Sacrament upon her lips, and
instantly the infernal spell was broken; Nicola was restored to consciousness,
and received Holy Communion with every mark of devotion. As soon as Nicola had
received the Sacred Body of our Lord, her face became bright and beautiful as
the face of an angel, and all who saw her were filled with joy and wonder, and
they blessed God from their inmost hearts.
Nicola related that, during her trance, she saw herself
surrounded by a crowd of horrid black men, who held glittering daggers in their
hands, and threatened to kill her. She also beheld a number of wild grizzly
monsters, who threatened to tear her to pieces. Flames of fire and brimstone
shot forth from their eyes and nostrils, and almost suffocated her.
Power of an Innocent Child over Satan
One morning the parents of Nicola left her alone with her
little sister Marie, who was about ten years of age. Suddenly Nicola flew across
the room, without touching the ground, and bolted the door. The child began to
cry out, “Mamma, mamma, sister is going away!” and she caught hold of Nicola in
order to keep her back. The devil, overcome by the innocence of the child, was
unable to carry Nicola away. He therefore said to the little one in an angry
tone: “Ha! You little hussy, will you not let your sister go?” Terrified at
these words, the child let go her hold, and instantly the devil threw open the
window, whisked Nicola away, and threw her upon the snow beneath. Here she was found
by her parents, stiff and cold, and almost frozen to death.
On another occasion, as Father de Motta had not come at
the appointed time, a priest who was present took it into his head to exorcise
the devil. Now this priest had not received the jurisdiction required on such
occasions, and consequently Satan only ridiculed all his efforts. Turning
towards the priest, he said with a malicious leer: “Now come here, my dear;
you’ll play the devil, and I’ll be the exorcist. Go on your knees! quick! I
will exorcise you!” Then the devil repeated the words of the exorcism, and made
the sign of the cross just as correctly as if he had the ritual before him.
“Adjuro te per Deum ✝ vivum, per Deum ✝
verum, per Deum ✝
sanctum,” etc.—But suddenly he stopped short, like one who had been struck by a
heavy blow. Father de Motta was standing before him.
One day one of those standing near Nicola saw a large
black fly in the room. It was a cold winter’s day, when flies are rarely, if
ever, seen. The good man caught the fly, in order to kill it, but unfortunately
it slipped through his fingers, and fell on the bed in which Nicola was lying
sick. Louis, Nicola’s husband, tried to catch the fly, but suddenly it
disappeared, and, at the very same instant, he received a blow on the cheek
that made his ears tingle, and the devil cried in a mocking tone: “Aha! You'll not catch me again!” It was evidently Beelzebub himself. Beelzebub means, in
the Hebrew language, the “god of flies.”
The Bishop
On the third of January, 1566, the Bishop arrived at
Vervins, and began the exorcism in the church, in presence of an immense
“What is thy name?” asked the Bishop. "Beelzebub, prince
of devils, next to Lucifer,” answered the evil spirit.
“How many companions hast thou here at present?”
“There are nineteen of us now,” answered Satan; “tomorrow
there will be twenty. But this is not yet all, for I see that I must call all
hell to my assistance.”
“I command thee, in the name and by the power of God,”
said the Bishop, in a solemn voice, “to depart instantly with thy infernal
“Yes, we shall depart,” replied the evil spirit, “but not
now, and not here. My work is not yet done in this city.”
“Where goest thou when expelled by the power of the Real
Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament?” asked the Bishop.
“You want to know where I go, do you. Well! Last night I
paid you a visit,” answered Satan; and then he related the very words the
Bishop had said on hearing a noise in his room.
Satan was, at last, expelled again, by means of the
Blessed Sacrament. On leaving, he paralyzed the left arm and the right foot of
Nicola, and also made her left arm longer than her right; and no power on earth
could cure this strange infirmity, until some weeks after, when the devil was
at last completely and irrevocably expelled.
Protestant Preachers
As the strange circumstances of Nicola’s possession
became known everywhere, several Calvinist preachers came with their followers,
to “expose this popish cheat,” as they said. On their entrance, the devil
saluted them mockingly, called them by name, and told them that they had come
in obedience to him.
One of the preachers took his Protestant prayer-book, and began to read it with a very solemn face. The devil laughed at him, and, putting on a most comical face, he said: “Ho! Ho! My good friend, do you intend to expel me with your prayers and hymns? Do you think that they will cause me any pain? Don't you know that they are mine? I helped to compose them!”
One of the preachers took his Protestant prayer-book, and began to read it with a very solemn face. The devil laughed at him, and, putting on a most comical face, he said: “Ho! Ho! My good friend, do you intend to expel me with your prayers and hymns? Do you think that they will cause me any pain? Don't you know that they are mine? I helped to compose them!”
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The devil proves he has influenced in the formation of some church
or churches with the ultimate purpose of destroying the Catholic Church that
was founded over 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ which he declared cannot be
destroyed by anyone or anything even by the devil himself (whether or not they
are within or outside of the church).
This also includes some messages (Pasugos) that are false and
not divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit?
One thing is certain, only Almighty God and the devil know
the answer.
Silent Crusader
The Devil's Horn Sign (Photoshop?) Be your judge....
“I will expel thee in the name of God,” said the
preacher, solemnly.
“You!” said the devil, mockingly. “You will not expel me
either in the name of God, or in the name of the devil. Did you ever hear,
then, of one devil driving out another?”
“I am not a devil,” said the preacher, angrily, “I am a
servant of Christ.”
“A servant of Christ, indeed!” said Satan, with a sneer.
“What! I tell you, you are worse than I am. I believe, and you do not want to
believe. Do you suppose that you can expel me from the body of this miserable
wretch? Ha! Go first and expel all the devils that are in your own heart!”
The preacher took
his leave, somewhat discomfited. Ongoing away, he said, turning up the whites of
his eyes, “Oh Lord, I pray thee, assist this poor creature!”
“And I pray Lucifer,” cried the spirit, “that he may
never leave you, but may always keep you firmly in his power, as he does now.
Go about your business now. You are all mine, and I am your master.”
Instead of exposing 'popish cheat' the protestant preachers
were exposed in front of many people as servants of the devil themselves.
How does a church can know if they are being used by the
Some churches cannot thrive without attacking the Catholic Church
and their manner of evangelization is to keep attacking the Catholic Church or
their closest rival church. Anyone who seeks to destroy is doing it to
themselves as well. If this is the very foundation of their belief in God then
there is a very good chance their church is not of God but of the evil one.
What is of God is of God and what is not of God is of the
How many more arch anti-Catholics unknowingly are serving
the devil by accusing the Catholic Church as apostatized and of the devil? Are
they aware or not.
The Calvinist didn’t know they were serving the wrong God.
On the arrival of the priest, several of the Protestants
went away—they had seen and heard more than they wanted. Others, however,
remained, and great was their terror when they saw how the devil writhed and
howled in agony, as soon as the Blessed Sacrament was brought near him. At last
the evil spirit departed, leaving Nicola in a state of unnatural trance. While
she was in this state, several of the preachers tried to open her eyes, but
they found it impossible to do so. The priest then placed the Blessed Sacrament
on Nicola’s lips, and instantly she was restored to consciousness.
Suspicious Stranger
One evening a stranger came to the house of Nicola. He
looked like a simple peasant, and was apparently about forty years of age. He
told Nicola’s father that he knew a certain remedy which would infallibly cure
her, but that he must be left alone with her for some time. The priest, hearing
of this, told Mr. Aubry to have nothing to do with the man, as he was probably
a wizard, or perhaps even the devil himself. The stranger, on being invited to
supper, partook of some food. He then went to church, knelt before the high
altar, muttered some prayers, and then went towards Nicola, who was lying in
the sacristy. At first he remained standing behind the keepers of Nicola, but
the priest, on seeing him, told him to come forward.
Scarcely had Satan perceived the stranger when he cried
out: “What! Are you here, Baltazo? What a poor devil you are! How miserable you
look today!”
“Yes, I am poor
and miserable,” answered the stranger.
Late in the evening, this stranger went to one of the
priests and offered to cure Nicola, on condition that her friends would make
use of some charm, and enter into a compact with the devil. The priest rejected
such a proposition with horror. “Never!” cried he; “those who make use of charms,
or enter into any compact with the devil, are guilty of a grievous sin. And as
for you, wicked man, I would advise you to leave this place as quickly as
Next morning the
stranger had disappeared. During the following night the devil scolded Nicola’s
husband for sending away his companion Baltazo. “Aha!” cried the evil spirit,
“it is well that you have always someone watching over Nicola. Had you left
that loose fellow alone with her, you would never have seen her again.”
"But whose body was that in which Baltazo appeared?”
risked one of the keepers.
“It was the body of a man hanged at Arlon,” answered the
“But this man Baltazo ate, and the devils do not eat,”
said the keeper.
“What is that to you?” answered the devil, impudently.
“That is none of your business.”
One day, during one of the exorcisms in church, the evil
spirit was chattering and uttering all kinds of nonsense. Suddenly he stopped
short and grazed fixedly at a young man who was eagerly forcing his way through
the crowd, in order to have a nearer view of the possessed woman. The devil saluted
him in a mocking tone. “Good-morning, Peter!” said he, calling him also by his
family name. “Come here and take a good view of me. Ah, Peter! I know that you
are a free thinker, but tell me where were you last night?” And then the devil
related, in presence of everyone in church, a shameful sin that Peter had
committed the preceding night. He described all the circumstances with such
precision, that Peter was overwhelmed with confusion, and could not utter a
word. “Yes,” cried the devil, in a mocking tone, “you have done it; you dare
not deny it.”
Peter hurried away as fast as he could, muttering to
himself, “The devil tells the truth this time; I thought that no one knew it
but myself, and God.”
Peter seemed to have forgotten that the devil is the
witness of our evil actions that he remembers them all well, and that, at the
hour of death, he will bring them all against us, as he himself declared.
“For it is thus,” ho added in a rage, “that I take
revenge on sinners.” Peter had not been to confession for many years, and, as a
natural consequence, his morals were not exactly of the purest order. He had
been guilty of what the fashionable world calls “pardonable weaknesses,”
“slight indiscretions” etc.
The public accusation of the devil filled him with
wholesome confusion. He rushed into the confessional, cast himself at the feet
of a priest, confessed all his sins with true contrition, and received
absolution. After having finished his confession, Peter had the boldness to
press through the crowd once more; but this time he kept at a respectful
distance from his infernal accuser. The exorcist saw Peter, and knowing that he
had been at confession, he told him to draw near. Then pointing to him, the
exorcist said to the devil, “See here, do you know this man?”
The devil raised his eyes and leisurely survey to Peter
from head to foot, and from right to left. At last he said, “Why! Really, it is
“Well!” said the exorcist, “do you know anything else
about him? “
“No,” answered the devil, “nothing else.”
The devil had no longer any of Peter’s sins, because they
had been entirely blotted out by the Blood of Jesus Christ, in the holy
Sacrament of Confession. What the priest forgives on earth, God forgives in
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Anti-Catholic man-founded
churches brand the Catholic Church as inventors of many gospels that cannot be
found in the Bible.
Read again and realize the devil himself recognizes the Catholic Church's Sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation.
Just as Jesus promised whatever is bound on earth by priest will be also be bound in heaven.
Read again and realize the devil himself recognizes the Catholic Church's Sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation.
Just as Jesus promised whatever is bound on earth by priest will be also be bound in heaven.
- Silent Crusader
During the exorcisms of the following days, the devil was
forced to confess that he was not to be expelled at Vervins, and that he had
with him twenty-nine devils, among whom were three powerful demons: Cerberus,
Astaroth, and Legio.
On another occasion, the devil was hotly pressed, by the
priest, to tell the hour of his final departure.
“At three o’clock in the afternoon,” answered the three
demons, Cerberus, Astaroth, and Legio.
“On what day?” asked the priest; but the demons would
give no answer.
Beelzebub then began to howl wildly, and curse the hour
when he first entered into the body of that wretched creature.
“Ah!” shrieked he, “if God would permit me, I would leave
instantly; but I cannot. My task is not yet done.”
“Dost thou, then, not know the hour of thy final departure?”
asked the priest.
“Ah, yes! But if you promise that you will not take me to
Liesse, I will leave instantly, and will not return until this day a year.”
“God forbid that I should make thee any such promise,”
said the priest; “with the help of God, thou shalt leave this very instant;”
and, taking the Holy Eucharist in his hand, he compelled the evil spirits to
Liesse and Pierreport
22nd to 24th of January, 1566.―The
priests now resolved to take Nicola to the celebrated pilgrimage of our Lady at
Liesse, especially since the devil seemed to fear the place so much. During the
journey, the evil spirit opposed them in every possible way. At one time an
accident happened; at another, the horses stood still, and would not budge an
inch. At other times the horses would rear and plunge in the most frantic
manner. Sometimes the devil uttered the most frightful sounds—at times they
were as loud as a clap of thunder. At last, by means of prayer and the
exorcisms, and especially by the power of the Blessed Sacrament, all the
obstacles of Satan were overcome, and the travelers arrived safely at Liesse.
Layman Exorcist
That night Augustin de Moustier, the uncle of Nicola,
remained watching beside her. As he was all alone, and the time dragged on heavily,
he thought he would have some amusement. So he put on the priest’s cassock,
took the ritual in one hand, and in the other the holy-water sprinkler, and
went over to the bed in which Nicola lay quietly sleeping.
“Now come, old boy,” said Augustin, laughingly, “come! I
will exorcise you.” Scarcely had he uttered these words when Satan, who fully
controlled the possessed woman, sprang upon him like a tiger, seized him by the
throat, and dashed his head against the walls, the tables, and chairs, till at
length the poor exorcist, half dead with pain and terror, tore off the cassock,
and rushed out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him.
“Aha!” cried the devil; “don’t you know how I mauled
those vile Jews that tried to expel me in the name of that God whom Paul preached?”
Satan here evidently refers to what is related in the
Acts of the Apostles, 19:13-17. Some Jewish exorcists tried to drive the
devil out of a possessed man by adjuring him “in the name of Jesus, Whom Paul
The devil answered in a rage: “Jesus I know, and Paul I
know too, but who are you?” And, seizing two of them, he threw them down and
tore their clothes, and beat them unmercifully, till at last they ran away all
torn and bleeding.
First Exorcism in Liesse
Next day Father de Motta began the exorcism in the church
of Our Lady at Lisle, in presence of an immense multitude.
“How many are you in the body of this poor creature?”
asked the priest.
“There are thirty of us.” answered the evil spirit.
The priest then sprinkled Nicola with holy water, and the
devil spat upon it in contempt.
“As servant of the living God,” cried the priest, “I
command thee and thy associates to quit the body of this poor woman.”
“No!” answered Satan, in an impudent tone; “twenty-six of
my companions will depart, but as for me, 1 shall not go.”
The priest then took the Blessed Sacrament in his hand,
and, showing It to the demon, he said: “I command thee, in the name of the
living God, the great Emanuel Whom thou seest here present, and in Whom thou
believest —“
“Ah, yes!” shrieked the demon; “I believe in Him.” And
the devil howled again as he made this confession, for it was wrung from him by
the power of Almighty God.
“I command thee, then, in His; name,” said the priest, “to
quit this body instantly.”
At these words, and especially at the sight of the
Blessed Sacrament, the devil suffered the most frightful torture. At one moment
the body of Nicola was rolled up like a ball; then again she became fearfully
swollen. At one time her face was unnaturally lengthened, then excessively
widened, and sometimes it was as red as scarlet. Her eyes, at times, protruded
horribly, and then again sunk deep into her skull. Her tongue hung down to her
chin; it was sometimes black, sometimes red, and sometimes spotted, like a
The priest still continued to urge and torture Satan.
“Accursed spirit!” he cried, “I command thee, in the name of the Real Presence
of our Lord Jesus Christ here in the Blessed Sacrament, to depart instantly from
the body of this poor creature!”
“Ah, yes!” cried Satan, howling wildly, “twenty-six of my
companions shall leave this instant, for they are forced to do so.”
The people in church now began to pray with great fervor.
Suddenly Nicola’s limbs began to crack, as if every bone in her body were
breaking, a pestilential vapor came forth from her mouth, and twenty-six devils
departed from her, never more to return.
Nicola then fell
into an unnatural swoon, from which she was roused only by the Blessed Sacrament.
On recovering her senses, and receiving Holy Communion, Nicola’s face shone
like the face of an angel.
Tempted Gypsies
Nicola was taken to the house of a friend, where she
could rest a little. While the good people were at dinner they heard a strange
noise in the neighboring room, in which Nicola was lying. It sounded as if
someone were choking.
They rushed in, and found Nicola half strangled, with her
head buried under the pillows. Oncoming to herself, she cried out: “Oh, what
horrible goblins were here! I saw them standing at the four comers of my bed.
One of them held a hundred gold dollars in his shaggy paws, and said: Will you
have these? Don’t you want them? See, I’ll give you all this money if you will
promise me not to go where they intend to take you tomorrow.’
‘No, no!’ cried I. ‘I don t want your money. I’ll make no
compact with you.’
‘‘If you don’t, said they, we’ll choke you, you miserable
wretch! And immediately they began to throttle me, and to push my head under
the pillow.’
After a while the priest, seeing that Nicola enjoyed the
full use of her senses, began to question her.
“Now tell me, my good woman,” said he, “did you never
consult fortune tellers?”
“Oh, yes!” answered Nicola; “I once went to an old woman,
who was looked upon as a sorceress, in order to have my fortune told.”
“And what did this woman say to you?” asked the priest.
“Oh, she said that I was bewitched,” answered Nicola,
“and then she stole some money out of my pocket, and when she that I began to
cry she gave me backed some of it.”
We can see from this fact how true it is that the devil
has power over all those who consult fortune tellers, or who make use of charms
and other superstitious practices.
At about two o’clock in the afternoon Nicola was again
taken to church, and when the exorcism was renewed, twenty-six devils had been
expelled. But four of the most powerful demons still retained possession of
her. During the exorcism, the priest asked Satan: “Where did the evil spirits
go after being expelled from Nicola?”
“They went to Geneva, in obedience to my orders,”
answered Beelzebub.
“What sign have they given in proof of their departure?”
“Go and look at the pine-tree that is growing before the
priest’s house,” answered the spirit. “You will find that my companions have
broken off and carried away two branches of it. They have also carried away
three tiles from the roof of the church.”
These signs were found exactly as Satan had said.
During the exorcism the demon turned to one of the gentlemen
present and said, in a mocking tone: “What! are you here, Louis Courtier? You
are a widower; what business has you, then, to believing with a widow?”
He thus revealed the most secret sins of several of those
in church. The priest still continued to urge the demon, and used every means
to expel him. Satan grinned at him horribly, and shrieked at him in a rage. “Is
it not enough for you to have expelled twenty-six of my companions? That is
honor enough for the woman of this house!” By ‘this woman’ Satan meant the
Blessed Virgin Mary, who was especially honored in this place.
“I tell you,” the devil shrieked, “that even if you
remain here till midnight, even if you stay here a hundred years, I will not
leave at your bidding.”
“At whose bidding, then?” asked Father de Motta.
“I will not leave unless commanded by the Bishop of
Laon,” answered the demon, angrily.
That evening the priest gave orders that the church doors
should be opened next morning at five o'clock, so that the people could assemble
early, and unite with him in prayer. During the night, the devil, who hates to
see the people pray, stopped the clock in the church tower, as he afterwards confessed,
so that the doors were not opened till an hour after the appointed time.
Nicola was now taken to Pierreport, where one of the
demons, named Legio, was expelled by means of the Blessed Sacrament. On
leaving, a black smoke was seen issuing from Nicola’s mouth, and the demon, in
token of his departure, broke some tiles on the belfry.
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Beelzebub, Prince of Devils |
were incidents of murders inside and outside church/chapel compound
that were documented in court in defense of their founder/s and/or simply to
assert their church's belief to other denominations that were documented and
Church founder/s were also accused of fathering children outside their marriage and raping innocent and defenseless women by the church founder. Clergies are also being accused of child molestations. Could this be because of their personal lust or due to the urging of the devil?
Church founder/s were also accused of fathering children outside their marriage and raping innocent and defenseless women by the church founder. Clergies are also being accused of child molestations. Could this be because of their personal lust or due to the urging of the devil?
Laon., The Bishop
Nicola was now brought to the town of Laon. On her
arrival there the people locked their doors; no one wished to receive her into
his house, for all feared that the devil might reveal their most secret sins.
At last, after long and urgent entreaties, and especially
after having placed a good sum of money in the hand of the innkeeper, Nicola
was permitted to stay overnight in an inn not far from the church.
The next morning Nicola was brought to church. Scarcely
had she quitted the house, when the devil again took possession of her. On
their way to church the devil sang and whistled, and called several persons by
their names. To one of the servants he said: “Aha! You got a beating this
morning, because you did not clean your masters shoes.”
To another he said: “And you got a good scolding because
you broke a glass.” This was really the case.
The Bishop, who was requested to exorcise Nicola,
prepared himself for this terrible task by prayer and fasting, and other works
of penance.
On the arrival of Nicola in the church, the exorcism
“How many are you in this body?” asked the Bishop.
“There are three of us,” answered the evil spirit.
"What are your names?”
“Beelzebub, Cerberus, and Astaroth.”
“What has become of the others?” asked the Bishop.
“They have been expelled,” answered Satan.
“Who expelled them?”
“Ha!” cried the devil, gnashing his teeth, “it was He whom
you hold in your band, there, on the paten.” The devil meant our dear Lord in
the Blessed Sacrament.
“What were the names of those who were expelled?” asked
the Bishop.
“What is that to you?” answered the devil, gruffly. “They
were my dogs, my slaves; they have no name.”
“Who is speaking now?” asked the Bishop.
“It is Beelzebub, the prince of devils.”
"Let the other two speak also.”
“They shall not,” answered the proud spirit.
The Bishop then, in a solemn voice, commanded Cerberus
and Astaroth to speak.
“You may talk till you crack your throat,” answered
Beelzebub, “I tell you they shall not speak in my presence. They are my
servants, my slaves; I am their master. Did you ever see a slave speak in presence
of his lord?”
“I will force them to speak,” said the Bishop; “they must
obey God.”
“Very well! They will obey God; but I tell you they shall
not speak. I am here for that. Go on, I will satisfy you.”
“When wilt thou leave the body of this poor creature?”
demanded the Bishop.
“Astaroth will leave next Sunday,” answered the spirit.
The Bishop then held the Blessed Sacrament near the face
of Nicola. The demon writhed and howled in agony. “Ah, yes! I will go, I will
go!” he shrieked, “but I shall return.”
Suddenly Nicola became stiff and motionless as marble.
The Bishop then touched her lips with the Blessed Sacrament, and in an instant
she was fully restored to consciousness. She received Holy Communion, and her
countenance now shone with a wondrous, supernatural beauty.
The next day Nicola was brought again to church, and the
exorcism began as usual.
The Bishop sprinkled Nicola with holy water.
“Faugh! You filthy papist!” shrieked the devil, in a
rage, “away with your salt water!”
He then grinned horribly, and spat upon the holy water.
The Bishop now began to read the gospel of St. John, and the devil mocked and
mimicked him all the while, and repeated the very same words, sometimes before,
sometimes after, the Bishop.
The Bishop then took the Blessed Sacrament in his hand,
held it near the face of Nicola, and said: “I command thee in the name of the
living God, and by the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ here in the
Sacrament of the altar, to depart instantly from the body of this creature of
God, and never more to return.”
“No! No!” shrieked the devil, “I will not go. My hour is
not yet come.”
“I command thee to depart. Go forth, impure, accursed
spirit! Go forth!” and the Bishop held the Blessed Sacrament close to Nicola’s
“Stop! Stop!” shrieked Satan; “let me go! I will
depart—but I shall return.” And instantly Nicola fell into the most frightful
convulsions. A black smoke was seen issuing from her mouth, and she fell again
into a swoon.
Satan’s Tricks
One evening, as Rev. Father Despinois, one of the priests
of Laon was taking supper with a few friends, they all heard a loud report, and
as if a heavy stone had fallen upon the floor above them. They did not heed it
much at first, as they thought that it was perhaps caused by the cat, or by
some accident. Very soon, however, two loud, distinct knocks were given on a
tin basin which stood in them idle of the floor, and the sound of whistling was
distinctly heard throughout the entire house, which lasted for some time. It
was Satan himself, who came to annoy the good priest. During the night this
mischievous spirit broke the spring of the priest’s watch, and put the wheels
in disorder. About midnight two flames of fire shot up from the hearth and
lighted up the whole room, though there was not a spark of fire to be found
there. The devil tried also to annoy the Bishop, and the priests of the city,
in various other ways.
During her stay in Laon, Nicola was carefully examined by
Catholic and Protestant physicians. Her left arm, which had been paralyzed by
the devil, was found entirely without feeling. The doctors cut into the arm
with a sharp knife, they burnt it with fire, they drove pins and needles under
the nails of the fingers, but Nicola felt no pain; her arm was utterly
insensible. Once, while Nicola was lying in a state of unnatural lethargy, the
doctors gave her bread soaked in wine (it was what the Protestants call their
communion, or Lord’s Supper), they rubbed her limbs briskly, they threw water in
her face, they pierced her tongue till the blood flowed; they tried every
possible means to arouse her, but in vain! Nicola remained cold and motionless
as marble. At last the priest touched the lips of Nicola with the Blessed
Sacrament, and instantly she was restored to consciousness, and began to praise
This miracle was so clear, so palpable, that one of the
doctors, who was a bigoted Calvinist, immediately renounced his errors, and
became a Catholic.
What happened here is a typical 'to see is to
The Bigoted Protestant (as described)
only renounced his errors and became a Catholic only because he has proven to
himself and have seen with his own two eyes that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly
God and is really present in the Blessed Sacrament in His own founded one holy
apostolic Catholic Church.
Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed.
Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed.
Silent Crusader
Several times, also, the Protestants touched Nicola’s
face with a host which was not consecrated, and which, consequently, was only
bread, but Satan was not in the least tormented by this. He only ridiculed
their efforts.
On the twenty-seventh of January, the Bishop, after
having walked in solemn procession with the clergy and the faithful, began the
exorcism in church, in presence of a vast multitude of Protestants and
“I command thee, in the name of the living God,” said the
Bishop, solemnly, “answer truthfully to all that I shall ask thee.”
“Speak on, I will answer;” replied the evil spirit.
“Who art thou that art now speaking?”
“It is myself.”
“What is thy name?”
“I have told you before. My name is Beelzebub.”
“Who are thy companions?”
“Astaroth and Cerberus.”
“When wilt thou depart from the body of this creature of
“Astaroth shall leave today. His hour is fixed, but I
shall remain.”
“What sign will he give of his departure?”
“He will break one of the window-panes, and take a piece
of it with him.”
“Whither will he go?”
“He will go to my brave Calvinist, Captain Dandelot, who
would gladly put you all to death if he had the men at his command.”
“Why do you keep possession of the body of this poor
“I do it to harden my Calvinists or to convert them; and
I swear, by the Sacred Blood, that I shall yet drive them to the last
How sad it is to know that there are still
many churches being founded outside the Catholic faith may be under the
influence and clutches of the devil?
It is not wrong if you are duty-bound to
'total obedience and submission' to God's commandments but if the object of
that obedience and submission is to the founder and leaders of false churches
and to their teachings, then it would be wrong to do so. It is like worshiping
their ego and vanity (man-made idols as described by Jesus).
Remember thieves come in in the dead of
night when everyone is asleep and there will be no more second chance afterlife - this is the risk blind followers had to take.
Silent Crusader
The names of Beelzebub, Astaroth, and Cerberus were now
written on pieces of paper. The Bishop burned them in the flame of a blessed candle,
and said: “Oh, wicked spirits! accursed of God! I here burn these names as a
sign of the eternal torments to which you have been condemned; and you shall be
tortured until you depart from this body.” At this the demon shrieked and
writhed in fearful agony. Three distinct voices were clearly heard; they
resembled the bellowing of an ox, the howling of a dog, and the shrill
squealing of swine.
The Bishop now holds the Blessed Sacrament close to the
face of Nicola. Suddenly a wild, unearthly yell rings through the air—a black,
heavy smoke issues from the mouth of Nicola. The demon Astaroth is expelled
forever. At the same instant, the crash of breaking glass is heard; a window-pane
is broken and carried away. Nicola again falls into a deadly swoon, and is
restored to consciousness only by the Blessed Sacrament.
Calvinists try to poison Nicola
Nicola was now arrested, by order oi the chief
magistrate, and cast into prison. This was done at the instigation of the
Calvinists, who wished to get Nicola into their power, to poison her. The chief
magistrate visited Nicola in prison. He was accompanied by Dr. Carlier, a most
bigoted Calvinist, together with several of the most prominent officials of the
place, and some of the clergy. The Calvinist physician tried every means to
discover the source of “this popish trickery,” as he called the possession of
Nicola, and he subjected the poor creature to the most rigid scrutiny. Nicola
was evidently sound asleep. Suddenly the demon took possession of her. In a lit
of raving madness, she now bounded into the middle of the room, seized the
Calvinist physician by the throat, and mauled and throttled him most
unmercifully. The doctor was wild with rage; he struck out right and left. He tried
to defend himself with might and main—but all his efforts availed him little;
he was, at length, forced to confess that the woman was really possessed.
The chief magistrate and his companions rushed into a
corner of the room. They were pale with terror. They no longer doubted the terrible
reality of the possession. Sometimes Nicola was rolled up like a ball, and
moved about without touching the ground. The terror-stricken magistrate crossed
himself again and again, and screamed out: “O Jesus and Mary, help us! Ha! ’tis
the devil, ’tis really the devil. Ha! Satan! Back! Back!” At last Nicola fell
into a death-like swoon, and was laid upon the couch.
Dr. Carlier was now determined to be revenged. He drew
forth a small phial, filled with a black, offensive liquid, containing the most
deadly poisons, and poured the contents into the half-open mouth of Nicola. He
then drew forth another phial, containing a white liquid, and wished to give it
also to her, but the priest interfered. Dr. Carlier now shook Nicola, struck
her hands together, called her by name, and made every effort to restore her to
consciousness, but he could not succeed.
Whilst the doctor was trying these experiments, a large
black beetle suddenly appeared upon the pillow, and was visible for several
minutes to all. Dr. Carlier, not being able to restore Nicola to consciousness,
hurried away as fast as he could. The other doctors present then tried to
arouse Nicola, and, after trying in vain for a whole hour, they all confessed
that her sickness was not natural. One of the priests now brought in the
Blessed Sacrament, touched the lips of Nicola with the Sacred Body of our Lord,
and instantly she was brought to life.
The poor creature now screamed out: “O Jesus, Mary! What
have you given me? Oh! I’m burning, I’m burning!” She then threw up the
poisonous liquid, and was instantly free from pain.
At the sight of this miracle, two Calvinists present
cried out: “I believe now! I have seen the miracle with my own eyes! I will
remain Protestant no longer.” And they became Catholics.
That very day Nicola was released from prison. The chief
magistrate doubted no longer the reality of the diabolical possession.
Every day, before beginning the exorcism, the Bishop made
a solemn procession through the city, accompanied by the clergy and a large
number of the citizens. During these processions the devil called many of the
bystanders by name, and told their most secret sins. One day a young widow—wife
of the deceased Mr. Paquot—was in her father’s house, looking down from a
window upon the procession. The devil, on seeing her, called her by name, and
said in a tone of bitter mockery, “Ha! You vain little puppet! Are you there? You've already laid aside your mourning weeds, and your husband is dead
scarcely three weeks! Fie! Away with you!”
During the exorcism, which took place in church, the
Bishop asked of Satan, “Tell me, where wert thou last night?”
“Don’t you know it?” answered Satan. “I was in the
prison. The magistrate will not forget it so soon. Ha! ha! How often did he not
cry out: ‘Nesus?’ (The devil would not pronounce the holy name of Jesus.) ‘Nesus! Mary! It is Satan—back! Back!’
And then Mr. Carlier gave this wretched creature some medicine. Ho! Ho! It was
I who helped Miss Sisonne to prepare it.” This Miss Sisonne was a very bigoted
Calvinist; she had really prepared the medicine, and given it to Dr. Carlier.
“Of what was this medicine composed?” asked the Bishop.
“Ha! it was strong enough to poison twenty persons!”
The devil then began to mimic Miss Sisonne, and repeated
the very words she had used, with the very same tone and gesture.
“I see that thou art a liar,” said the Bishop.
“Yes, I am a liar,” answered Satan, “but I sometimes
speak the truth.” "When do you speak the truth?” "When I am commanded and forced to do so, as I am today.
When I do speak the truth, I borrow it from others.”
Consequence of Human Respect
The Calvinists having failed in their plan to poison Nicola
were now more furious than ever. They threatened to put her to death by force. The
good Bishop, fearing some sudden outbreak, and wishing to preserve peace and
good order, resolved to stop the processions, and continue the exorcisms in a
private chapel. He was included to do this especially by the request of the
chief magistrate, who was evidently of a very peaceful turn of mind.
On the twenty-ninth of January, then, the Bishop began
the exorcism in a private chapel.
“Art thou alone?” asked the Bishop, of Satan.
“No,” was the reply. “Cerberus is yet with me.”
“When wilt thou depart from this poor creature?”
“You may now say and do whatever you please,” answered
Satan, “I will not depart in this place. Aha! I see that you, too, Bishop, fear
men more than God. I tell you that neither I nor my companion will ever depart
in this place; and now, because you have yielded through human respect, the
time of my dwelling in the body of this wretched creature has been prolonged.”
“I care not for this prating,” answered the Bishop: “thou
shall depart on this very spot.”
“I swear by the Sacred Blood I shall not,” shrieked the
demon, in a rage, tell you that, on your account, the days of my possession
have been prolonged. I will depart only in that infamous house. (Here Satan
made use of a vile term, to express the Church of God.) You have taken away the
platform, but, by the Sacred Blood, you must put it up again. Whether you will
or not, you must obey God. Accursed be this hour, in which I must tell you the
truth! but I am forced to do it.”
“When will Cerberus depart?” asked the Bishop.
“If you bring the wretch where I’ve told you,” answered
Satan, “he will leave next Saturday.”
“And thou, when wilt thou leave?”
“Next Tuesday. But first, I want you to take all those
idols out of the church—those pictures and images of yours.” Satan has a horror
of holy pictures and images, because he knows that they remind us of our Lord
and His saints, and encourage us to imitate their virtues.
How amazing it is for the devil himself asking the Catholic Bishop for
all idols to be taken out of the church acknowledging at the same the horror he
has seeing these holy pictures and images because he knows that they remind us
of our Lord and His saints and encourage us to imitate their virtues.
1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:23
Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey. For as much therefore as thou has rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord hath also rejected thee from being king.
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1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:23
Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey. For as much therefore as thou has rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord hath also rejected thee from being king.
Acts of Apostles 17:16
Now whilst Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred within him, seeing the city wholly given to idolatry.
Galatians 5:20
Idolatry, witchcrafts, enmities, contentions, emulations, wraths, quarrels, dissensions, sects,
Above verses describe what Jesus had been teaching about 'idolatry'.
During the ancient times and up the present time, anything that is not of God is of the devil. Brazen idols made by man to represent anything other than God himself, the Blessed Mother, the Angels and Saints are considered man-made idols that are of the devil.
To our present times, to Jesus idolatry is all about our love for sins, money, power, ego, pride, vanity, and many more that leads us to advocate the works of the devil are the present time man-made idols.
During the ancient times and up the present time, anything that is not of God is of the devil. Brazen idols made by man to represent anything other than God himself, the Blessed Mother, the Angels and Saints are considered man-made idols that are of the devil.
To our present times, to Jesus idolatry is all about our love for sins, money, power, ego, pride, vanity, and many more that leads us to advocate the works of the devil are the present time man-made idols.
(Isaiah) 55:8
my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
(Isaiah) 55:9
as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your
ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.
Idolatry to Jesus is not what idolatry to the unbelievers. Their minds are confused by the devil so that their interpretation of what God meant about man-made idols are also corrupted and misleading.
Numbers 21:8
And the Lord said to him: Make brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: whosoever being struck shall look on it, shall live.
And the Lord said to him: Make brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: whosoever being struck shall look on it, shall live.
The Catholics are using religious items relics, icons, images and pictures in lieu of who they represents in heaven but definitely not as
the object of worship per se but simply as reminder of who they represent?
Silent Crusader
The Bishop was moved, at last, by the prayers of the
Catholics, and by the entreaties of hundreds who came from distant cities, to
continue the exorcism again in the Cathedral. The devil, however, protested
that he would not leave unless they would resume the solemn processions which
they had at first, “for such was the will of God.” The Bishop and the clergy
after much hesitation resolved, at length, to begin the processions once more.
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Uniting in prayers with the Catholics
for Nicola would have been the best thing to do but the Protestants would
rather continue to look for errors to discredit the Catholic exorcists, misinterpreting their
good works as more of evil and blaspheming everything that was sacred.
Silent Crusader
During the exorcism which took place on Friday, the first
of February, the Bishop asked, “When will Cerberus depart?”
“I've told you before,” answered Satan sullenly. “He will
leave tomorrow.”
“What sign will Cerberus give of his departure?”
“He will carry away a pane of glass from the window of
the side-chapel.”
“When wilt thou depart?”
“Next Tuesday; and I’ll carry off the head of the little
bailiff of Vervins. Yes, by the―I will do it, for he has given it to me.” The
bailiff was one of those who would not believe that Nicola was possessed. He
had said several times, in a boasting tone: “Well! If that’s the devil, then
let him go to―and he may take my head along with him.”
The abbot of St. Vincent now wrote the names of Beelzebub
and Cerberus on some slips of paper, in order to burn them, and thereby torture
the evil spirit.
The devil turned towards him in a fury: “He! Abbot of St.
Vincent!” he shrieked, “you son of awh―e! What are you doing here? I’ll make
you stop that!” He then added, in a mocking tone, “Ha, my boy! You've made a
mistake. You’ve put an ‘h’ instead of a ‘b.’” This was really the case. The Bishop
now burned the names, and Satan writhed in agony. The Bishop now held a cross
close to Nicola’s face, and said: “Behold, here, the image of that cross on
which our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died for us! I now command thee, in
His name, to depart from the body of this creature of God.”
“I will not depart!” answered the evil spirit, in a
hoarse voice.
“Go forth, unclean spirit! I adjure thee, go forth! ”
The demon turned away the face of his victim from the
cross, and shrieked in rage: “Away with the gallows! Take it out of my sight! I
will not depart. My hour is not yet come.”
“Oh, accursed spirit!” said the Bishop, solemnly, “since
neither prayer, nor the holy gospels, neither the exorcisms of the Church, nor
the holy relics, can compel thee to depart, I will now show thee thy Lord and
Master, and by His power I command thee.”
“What do you mean?” shrieked Satan, gnashing his teeth.
“Do you mean your white---?”
(Here the devil used a very unbecoming expression for the
Blessed Sacrament.)
“How darest them call our Blessed Lord by such a vile
“Ha! ha! I've taught my Calvinists to nickname Him thus.”
“Why, then, dost thou fear Him so much? Why dost thou fly
in terror before His face?”
“Ha!” shrieked the devil, “it is that ‘hoc, ‘ that ‘hoc,’ that forces me to flee.”
The devil here refers to the divine words of consecration
by which the bread and wine are changed, in holy Mass, into the Body and Blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Cerberus Expelled
Next morning the keepers of Nicola went to Confession and
Communion. During the procession, the devil turned towards them several times,
and said in a contemptuous tone: “Faugh! you filthy papist toads! You've eaten
the white-----again!”
“Thou liest, Satan!” answered one of the keepers; “it is
not the white-----. It is the true Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, hidden under
the sacramental veils.”
“Well, I call him so; and there are many others among my
brave Calvinists who call him so too.”
The devil then turned to Rev. Father Cotte, and said:
“Aha! Cotte Cottelin, didn't you hear something flying about and whistling
while you were saying Mass this morning? Ha! I tried hard to distract you, but
I could not.” This was really the case. Satan then laughed mockingly, and
related the trick he had played on Dr. Carlier. “Ho! ho!” he cried; “didn't I
pay the doctor for trying to poison me? As he was riding out in the country, on
his way to the wedding, I hid myself in his horse’s ear. When―didn’t the horse
rear and plunge! And how often the old doctor cried out: ‘O Lord God! O Lord
God!’ Ho! Ho! Once he was pitched to the ground, and got a kick that injured
his ribs a little! He had to go part of the way on foot. I then appeared to him
in the shape of a lackey, told him I was a Calvinist, and urged him to kill
this wretched papist Nicola. ‘Oh!’ said he, ‘don’t fear; she’s got Her share.
She’ll not trouble us much longer.’ I then disappeared from him; and he was
forced, in spite of himself, to ride three times around the gallows on the
hill. His horse reared and trembled, and would not go any farther; so my brave
doctor had to turn back. Ho! Ho! He could not go to the wedding.”
There were several persons present who declared that they
had seen the doctor speaking to a stranger, who disappeared suddenly, and that
the doctor rode three times around the gallows and then returned home.
The devil kept on talking quite loud during the holy
“Will you not stop talking?” said one of the priests.
“No!” answered Satan, impudently. “I will not.”
“If you do not stop, I will give you a blow that will
make you.”
“Come on! Strike! Strike!” said Satan; and he turned
Nicola’s face towards the priest.
The priest raised his hand, but, instead of striking
Nicola’s cheek, he made a cross upon her forehead.
The devil was angered by this unexpected action—he shook
his head, and growled with rage.
The moment of consecration came, and Satan was instantly
struck dumb. Nicola was now seized with the most frightful convulsions. Fifteen
strong men were holding her down; and so great was the strength of the demon,
that they were all draped with her aloft into the air. Nicola, her face turned away
from the altar, remained suspended in space, over six feet above the platform,
during the entire time of consecration. As soon as the consecration was over,
she fell back heavily upon the platform.
During the exorcism which took place after Mass, the
Bishop asked: “Where wert thou last night?” “I paid a visit to my Calvinists,”
answered Satan.
“Thou art a liar,” said the Bishop.
“I've told you before,” answered Satan, “that if I did
not lie, I should not be a devil. But I tell you again, I visited my
Calvinists, and they resolved to murder this wretched creature and all her accomplices.
John Carlier and Anthony Etienne are the leaders of the plot. I know it is so.
I myself was with them last night. It was I who advised them to do this. ”
The Bishop now held the Blessed Sacrament in his hand,
and said: “O accursed spirit! arch-enemy of the ever Blessed God! I command
thee, by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ here present, to depart from this
poor woman! Depart, accursed, into the everlasting flames of hell!”
At these words, and especially at the sight of the
Blessed Sacrament, the demon was so fearfully tormented, and the appearance of
Nicola was so hideous and revolting, that the people turned away their eyes in
horror. At last a heavy sigh was heard, and a cloud of black smoke Issued from
the mouth of Nicola. Cerberus was expelled, and, in sign of his departure, he
broke and carried away a pane of glass from one of the side-chapels.
Again Nicola fell into a death-like swoon, and again she
was brought to consciousness only by means of the Blessed Sacrament.
Sacrilegious Robbery
During the afternoon exorcism, the devil gave an account
of a horrible sacrilege that had been perpetrated by the Calvinists. “Yes,”
cried he, “Nicholas and Anthony Etienne, and Nicholas Maigret, and Hubert
Duchemin, my hardened Calvinists, stole a Host out of the church, and took it
to Duchemin’s house. There were no women present, because they could not keep
it secret. There these men broke the host into three pieces and after having
boiled these pieces, they threw them to the cats and dogs, but the animals
would not touch them.”
“Thou liest, Satan!” said the Bishop, indignantly; “such
a crime was not committed.”
“Thou liest thyself, my shell-pate,” answered Satan. “I
know it for certain; I was present.”
The devil gave the Bishop the nickname “shell-pate,” on
account of the mitre he wore, which bore some resemblance to a section of a
“Why did these Calvinists break and burn the Sacred
Host?” asked the Bishop “Ho! ho!” shrieked the devil, with a fiendish laugh; "if
He were to appear on earth again, I and my brave Calvinists would treat Him
worse than even the Jews did.”
“Thou art a liar!” said the Bishop; “thou desirest only
to excite the people by thy prating prating.”
“Yes, I am a liar,” answered Satan; “it was I who first
invented lying. But when my master forces me, I can also tell the truth.”
Who is thy Lord and Master?”
“Do you not know Him?”
“Why dost thou accuse these men since thou hast urged
them to commit this atrocious crime?”
“I do it because I am compelled,” answered Satan.
Calvinist Forgery
In order to put an end to the exorcisms, the Calvinists
forged two letters, written in the name of Marshal Montmorency, of Paris. These
letters were addressed to the Bishop, and to the Chief Magistrate and
government officials of Laon. They were written in a very bitter tone, which
clearly betrayed their Calvinistic source. In these letters the Bishop and
government officials were commanded to put an end to this “silly mummery” of
possession and public exorcisms. The devil afterwards revealed the names of
those who had forged these letters. There is, besides, clear and certain proof
that Marshal Montmorency had nothing to do with them.
The good Bishop was deceived by these letters. In order
to satisfy the Calvinists, he gave orders that the public processions should
cease, and that the exorcisms should be carried on as privately as possible.
The next day, during the exorcism, the Bishop asked of
Satan: “When wilt thou depart?”
“I shall not depart today,” answered the demon, with a
defiant look; “on the contrary, my days have been prolonged on your account.
Ah, my shell-pate! you are too credulous. You wish to please men rather than
God. Know, then, that I have now gained a respite of two days longer. I shall
not depart today.”
“Why so?” asked the Bishop, in astonishment.
“Ha! You gave credit to letters that were forged by my
brave Calvinists. It was I who tempted you to do this.” (To give credit to the
“Silence, thou lying spirit!” said the Bishop,
indignantly. “I will soon expel thee by the power of the precious Blood of
Jesus Christ.
“By whom? ” asked the devil, in a rage; “by
your white?”
“Cease thy blasphemies, accursed spirit!”
cried the Bishop. “He is thy Lord. His very presence puts thee to flight.”
“Ah! Yes, yes!” howled the demon, wildly; “it
is true. It is that ‘hoc,’ that ‘hoc,’ that forces me to flee."
Next day, during the exorcism, Satan gave the
names of the Calvinists who had forged these letters: they were Mr. Bayard,
Anthony and Nicholas Etienne, and Dr. Carlier. He related many other circumstances,
which were found to be perfectly true.
The name of Beelzebub was then burned by the
Bishop in the flames of a blessed candle. This caused the demon the most
fearful torments. He reared like a wild ox, he writhed like a wounded serpent,
he gnashed his teeth, and shrieked: “Oh! you hound of a bishop! I’ll pay you
for that!”
“Be gone, Satan!” answered the Bishop; “I fear
thee not.”
The Bishop now began to read the holy gospels,
and the solemn words of the exorcism. Satan instantly began to mimic his tone
and gestures. He put on a comic air of piety, bowed the head, mumbled some
prayers, and repeated the words of the Bishop with comic gravity. When the
Bishop said, “Ergo, maledie diabole, da honorem Deo vivo,” Satan answered: “No!
I will honor none but myself. Do you honor Him, if you choose?”
At the words, “Maledie diabole damnate atque
damnande,” Satan said: “Why do you repeat these words so often? I know already
that I am damned! ”
At the words, “Recognosce sententiam tuam,” Satan
answered: “Do not trouble yourself, I know my sentence already.”
The Bishop once made a slight mistake in reading an
exorcism, and Satan corrected him instantly.
“Ah, my shell-pate!” cried he, in a mocking tone, “you’ve
made a mistake; it is not ‘magisterdœmonum,' but ‘dœmonum magister.’ Look a little closer—put on your spectacles.”
At the words, “Dux furum, bonorum, insidiator,” and the
like, the demon clapped his hands and burst forth into a wild satanic laugh,
that made the church walls ring again. “Ha! ha!” he screamed, “what pleasure you give me! Ho! repeat those words. Ha! they are my
titles of honor.”
The Bishop then held the Blessed Sacrament in
his hand, and expelled Satan once more by means of our Lord’s Sacred Body.
In the afternoon of the fifth of February, the
usual procession was begun. As the devil saw the procession forming, he began
to ridicule the clergy.
“He! He!” cried he, in mockery; “what are you
doing? Making a procession in the afternoon?”
During the first round of the procession,
Satan whistled and sang, and mimicked the choir-boys who sang the Litany.
During the second round of the procession, Satan became a little quieter. Very soon
he began to gnash his teeth, and spit in the faces of those around him. He
writhed, and shrieked in a rage to the mayor, who carried the cross, “Ha,
mayor! turn back! That’s a good fellow; don’t go any farther!” But the mayor
would not heed him, and continued his way leisurely.
During the third round of the procession, the
demon shrieked: “Oh, mayor! Abominable mayor! Turn back! Ah! You miserable
wretch! you will make me furious. Will you turn back? A thousand million
devils, and children of the devils, take you, mayor, and your wife!”
He also called out to the choir-boys, who
accompanied the Blessed Sacrament with lighted tapers, “Ha, you bastards! blow
out those candles! You will make me wild!”
During the exorcism the Bishop said to Satan:
“Tell me, when wilt thou depart?”
“Next Thursday afternoon, at three o’clock.
But I will not leave the city, you understand. I will go to Mr. Carlier.”
“Thou shalt not go to Mr. Carlier.”
“Thou liest!” shrieked the demon; “Carlier and all the
Calvinists are mine. I repeat it again. If Jesus Christ were yet on earth, I
and my Calvinists would treat Him worse than the Jews did.”
“Why dost thou speak so bitterly of the Calvinists?”
asked the Bishop.
“Because they are hardened in sin, and I will make them
still more hardened.”
The Bishop burned the name of Beelzebub once more. At
this Satan shrieked in a rage: “May the thunderbolt strike thee, dog of a
It is worthy of notice that Satan became more furious as
the hour of his departure drew nearer.
During the exorcism which took place the next morning,
the sixth of February, the Bishop said to Satan, “Where wilt thou go when expelled
from the body of this creature of God?”
"I will go to St. Nicholas Du-Bois, to enter the body of
a woman, for the possession of whom two devils are already quarrelling; for,
when we are driven out of one person, we go to take possession of someone else.”
“Who are those two devils?”
“They are Cerberus, and a little devil poor wretch! a
puppy who has no name.”
“To which rank does he belong?”
“To that of Cerberus.”
“Are there, then, a great many devils?”
“Yes! more than there are flakes of snow in a heavy
At these words, a
murmur of astonishment was heard throughout the church.
“Oh, accursed spirit!” said the Bishop, “I command thee, in the name of the Holy Trinity, to leave the body of this woman, and to depart to the flames of hell.”
“Oh, accursed spirit!” said the Bishop, “I command thee, in the name of the Holy Trinity, to leave the body of this woman, and to depart to the flames of hell.”
“No, I will not!” answered the demon; “it is not yet
time. I must first do more mischief.”
“Thou shalt not!” replied the Bishop; “I will expel thee
“Ah, yes! I know that I must depart, but not today.
Before I leave I must get back the piece of money which I gave to the little
monk of Vervins, and I swear, by the Sacred Blood, I will not leave until I get
(The little monk, of whom Satan here spoke, was de Motta.
During the exorcism which took place at Vervins, Satan had given him a piece of
money. No one knew where the evil spirit got this money. On giving it to de
Motta, he said, “Here, my little preacher, keep this money. I must get it back
when I am leaving this body.”)
A messenger was instantly sent to de Motta, who was then
at Velly, for the piece of money. Satan, seeing the messenger depart, screamed
after him: “He! You bastard! I see you. By the way, if you go to Velly, I will
send you home in a hurry!”
The priest encouraged the messenger, and hung around his
neck a golden cross which was filled with relics. No harm befell the good man
on his journey, as he was protected by the precious relics, and by the holy
angels, to whom he continually recommended himself. Satan was again expelled by
means of the Blessed Sacrament.
During the evening, as Nicola was undisturbed by the evil
spirit, the priest advised her to make her confession. After she had finished
her confession, the priest was about to give her absolution, when suddenly the
devil took possession of her, and sprang upon the priest, struck and kicked
him, and screamed, in a rage: “Ha, ha! do you think you are more cunning than I
am? I saw you; you wanted to give her absolution, but I will not allow it. Go
about your business, now!”
The bystanders were filled with terror on seeing the
great power of Satan. What fearful harm would he not do, if God would not
restrain him?
During the exorcism which took place on the morning of
the seventh of February, the Bishop asked Satan once more: “When wilt thou
“Very soon,” answered Satan; “this very evening, at the
same hour in which I took possession of this wretch. Oh, my shell-pate! my
shell-pate! I tempted you to get angry at your servant. I watched you
yesterday, and the days previous. You took no supper. But this is not yet all.
I will do you more harm before I leave this place.”
During the exorcism, the devil suddenly looked around,
and said: “He, he! Stop! Stop! There is a sorcerer in the church, and some
pickpockets.” He then looked fixedly in a certain direction, and said, at last,
“Tis done—the pocket is picked.” He then spat in the face of Mr. Gorret, the
Royal Notary, and said: “You've had enough to do these last few days, Mr.
Notary! Is it not so?”
The Bishop then said to Satan: “What sign wilt thou give
of thy departure?”
“I will cure Nicola’s left arm, so that she can use it as
well as ever. Is not this a splendid miracle? You will find another sign on the
roof of the belfry.”
“What hast thou gained by taking possession of this
body?” asked the Bishop. “Many have been converted by witnessing the great
power of the Blessed Sacrament. Depart, then! Everyone hates and despises
“I know it,” answered Satan. “Many have been converted;
but there are also many who remain hardened in their sins.”
“Tell me, then, why hast thou taken possession of this
honest and virtuous Catholic woman?”
“I have done so by permission of God. I have taken
possession of her on account of the sins of the people. I have done it to show
my Calvinists that there are devils who can take possession of men whenever God
permits it. I know they do not want to believe this; but I will show them that
I am a devil. I have taken possession of this creature in order to convert
them, or to harden them in their sins; and, by the Sacred Blood, I shall perform
my task.”
This answer filled all who heard it with horror. “Yes,”
answered the Bishop, solemnly, “God desires to unite all men in the one holy
faith. As there is but one God, so there can be but one true religion. A religion
like that which the Protestants have invented, is but a hollow mockery. It must
fall. The religion established by our Lord Jesus Christ is the only true one,
which shall last forever; it shall increase. It is destined to unite all men
within its sacred embrace, so that there shall be but one sheepfold and one
Shepherd. This Divine Shepherd is our Lord Jesus Christ, the invisible Head of
the holy Roman Catholic Church, whose visible Head is our holy Father the Pope,
successor of St. Peter.”
The devil was silent—he
was put to shame before the entire multitude. He was expelled, once more, by
means of the Blessed Sacrament.
In the afternoon of the same day, the devil began to
prate and make merry during the procession. “Ah! ha!” cried he: “you’re
mistaken, this time. Do you think you can expel me, after having taken your
dinner? I forgot to tell you, my shell-pate, that you should have fasted today.
Had you done so, I should have been obliged to leave today. Now I have gained
one day more. Hu, hu! ha, ha! he, he! I have gained another day! I am more
cunning than you, my shell-pate. You do not understand the Scriptures.” Satan
here refers to the words of our Lord in the gospels: that there are some devils
who can be expelled only by prayer and fasting. The devil then laughed, sang,
and whistled, in the greatest glee.
As soon as the procession was ended, the exorcism began
as usual.
“Now thou shall depart at last,” said the Bishop.
“Ah, yes! I would have done so, had you not taken your
dinner. He! tell me: don't you know that you cannot expel a prince of devils
like myself, after you have eaten and drunk your fill?”
“I have not eaten so much that I cannot expel thee,” said
the Bishop.
"Oh yes, yes! you have eaten much! I saw you, and those
who were at table with you.” The devil here mentioned the names of the Bishop’s
“Thou shalt not deceive me by thy prating,” said the
Bishop; “thou art a liar! I will soon expel thee.”
“Yes, I am a liar. But I shall not depart, for you have
not been to confession.”
“Thou liest!” said the Bishop, indignantly; “I have been
to confession.”
(We may remark here, that the Bishop and clergy went to
confession every morning before beginning the exorcism. Experience shows that
the purer and more free from sin one is, the more terrible is he to Satan.)
“You have confessed,” said the devil, “but what kind of
confession was it? You accused yourself only in a general way. You only said
that you were angry with your servant and with the chaplain. Had you told this
sin, and this,” said the demon, mentioning certain faults, “I should not know anything
of them, and I could not reproach you as I do now.”
At these Words of Satan, a loud murmur of astonishment
was heard throughout the church.
“Ha!” said the devil; “you think that you can expel me in
this way? You have not the proper attendance of a Bishop. Where are the Dean
and the Arch dean? Where are the Royal Judges? Where is the Chief Magistrate,
who was frightened out of his wits at night, in the prison? Where is the procurator
of the King? Where are his Attorneys and Counselors? Where is the Clerk of the
Court?”(The devil mentioned each of these by name.) “I will not depart until
all are assembled. Were I to depart now, what proof could you give to the king
of all that has happened? Do you think that people will believe you so easily?
No! no! There are many who would make objections. The testimony of these common
country-people here will have but little weight. It is a torment to me that I
must tell you what you have to do. I am forced to do it. Ha! Cursed be the hour
in which I first took possession of this vile wretch!”
“I find little pleasure in thy prating,” Answered the
Bishop; “there are witnesses enough here. Those whom you have mentioned are not
necessary. Depart, then! give glory to God. Depart—go to the flames of hell!”
“Yes, I shall depart, but not today. I know full well
that I must depart. My sentence is passed; I am compelled to leave; but, before
I do so, you must fast a little more. You are not lean enough yet.”
“I care not for thy jabbering,” said the Bishop, “I shall
expel thee by the power of God; by the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus
“Yes, I must yield to you,” shrieked the demon, wildly.
“It tortures me that I must give you this honor. It is now twelve hundred years
since a Bishop like you expelled the prince of devils.”
“Thou art a liar!” said the Bishop, solemnly. “Every day
the holy Roman Catholic Church triumphs over thee and thy hellish spirits.”
“Thou liest thyself, my shell-pate!” answered Satan. “Poor,
contemptible devils, nameless wretches, may have been expelled, but the prince
of devils has not been expelled.”
The Bishop now burned the name of Beelzebub, but Satan
only laughed at him, and said: “Oh, my shell-pate, you are burning only paper
and ink!”
At this everyone was astonished, as the burning of the
demon’s name had hitherto always caused him the most frightful tortures.
“I see,” said the Bishop, “that thou heedest neither the exorcisms nor the burning of thy name; I will, therefore, show thee thy Lord and Master.”
“I see,” said the Bishop, “that thou heedest neither the exorcisms nor the burning of thy name; I will, therefore, show thee thy Lord and Master.”
“Whom do you mean?” shrieked the demon, in a fury. “Do
you mean your white-----?”
Satan was at length expelled. On leaving, he cried out:
“I depart, but I shall return again. My hour is not yet come.”
The next day, as Nicola was being taken to the church,
the demon instantly took possession of her.” “Aha!” cried he, in a mocking tone, “I am not
gone away yet.” Then he ridiculed all that had been done the day previous.
During the exorcism, the Bishop said: “Why dost thou not depart? The appointed
day and hour has come.”
“I will not go, because you are not fasting, because you
have not been to confession, because you have not assembled witnesses enough.”
The Bishop now took the Blessed Sacrament in his hand,
and held it close to the face of the possessed woman.
“A thousand million devils take you, wretched shell-pate! Why do you torture me so horribly? ”
“A thousand million devils take you, wretched shell-pate! Why do you torture me so horribly? ”
At last, Satan was compelled to flee once more.
The next morning, after the procession was ended, the
holy sacrifice of the Mass was offered up, as usual. As soon as the possessed
woman was brought upon the platform, the devil looked around the church and
said: “Ha! There are only papists here! The assembly is not yet full. Where is
the magistrate Du Manche, who was in such mortal terror, at night, in the
prison? Where is Bochet, the State’s attorney? Where is the Archdean? I shall
not leave until all are present; for, by the Sacred Blood, I have good reasons
for it.”
During holy Mass,
a German Protestant, named Stephen Voske, happened to be in church. Hearing his
name called by the demon, he went up to the platform to speak to him. Voske
spoke in German, but the demon answered him in French.
“Ha! You want me to speak German with you; but I will not
do it. Were I in your country, I would speak German better than you do. I can
easily see that you were not brought up in Germany.” (This was really the
case.) “Here,” said Satan, “I speak only the language of the country, so that
everyone can understand me. You may speak German; I will answer you in my own
They continued thus to talk together for about half an
hour, one speaking German, and the other French. When the time for the
consecration approached, Satan said to Voske: “Stop, now! Keep silence! They are going to
show the white-----. Ha! It is my white-----. It is I who have nicknamed Him thus. I
have taught all my servants and disciples to do the same.”
Suddenly, Satan was struck dumb. The possessed woman is
raised over six feet into the air, and then falls back heavily upon the
platform. The same scene is repeated at the Elevation of the Chalice. The
demon, wild with rage, shrieked: “Ha! Bishop, you shell-pate! If I had you now
I would make you suffer for this. You torture me horribly.”
(We must remark here, that the Bishop purposely prolonged
the time of consecration, in order to cause Satan greater torment.)
As the Bishop, just before the Pater Noster, took the
Sacred Host once more in his hand, and raised it with the chalice, the
possessed woman was again whisked into the air, carrying with her the keepers,
fifteen in number, at least six feet above the platform; and, after awhile, she
fell heavily back to the ground.
At this sight, all present were filled with amazement and
terror. The German Protestant fell on his knees: he burst into tears; he was
“Ah!” cried he, “I now believe firmly that the devil
really possesses this poor creature. I believe that it is really the Body and
Blood of Jesus Christ which expels him. I believe firmly. I will no longer remain
a Protestant.”
After Mass, the exorcism began as usual. As soon as the
Bishop appeared on the platform, Satan cried, in a mocking tone: “Ah, ha! my
shell-pate! You made a good confession this morning to the dean. I saw you, but
I could not understand your words.”
“Now, at last,” said the Bishop, “thou must depart. Away
with thee, evil spirit!”
“Yes,” said Satan, “it is true that I must depart, but
not yet. I shall not go before the hour is come in which I first took
possession of this wretched creature. Have patience, then; wait until three
o’clock. Oh, accursed be that hour! Do not push on the clock. I know the hour
well. My sentence is already passed.”
“What sign wilt thou give of thy departure?” asked the
“Never mind!” answered Satan, sullenly; “you shall have
signs enough. I shall heal the left arm of this creature. She has not been able
to use it these three months, because I possessed it. And you, my shell-pate! You
shall have your sign. I shall strike such a terror to your heart as you never
felt before, and which you will not soon forget.”
“Where wert thou last night?”
“I was in your palace,” answered Satan. “I saw you right
well. You got up last night to pray. It was about three o’clock. I know that
your prayers have helped much to expel me.”
Satan then turned to a gentleman present named Lancelot
May, and publicly accused his brother Robert of some very grievous sins, which
he named.
“Yes,” cried Satan, in a rage, “I swear by the Sacred
Blood that what I say is true, even though he is your brother.”
He then turned to a woman, who stood nearby, and said:
“He! Margaret, your husband, Lancelot, lost two dollars last night. It is Nelly
who won them.”
At this, Lancelot, who was himself present, hung his head
in shame, and all present were greatly surprised. He continued, for some time,
to reveal thus the sins of those around him. At last the Bishop took the Sacred
Host in his hand, and said: “In the name of the Adorable Trinity, Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost—in the name of the Sacred Body of Jesus Christ here present I
command thee, wicked spirit, to depart.”
“What!” shrieked Satan, “you wish to expel me with your
“Accursed spirit!” said the Bishop, indignantly; “who has
taught thee to blaspheme God thus?”
was I who taught it to my Calvinists, who are my obedient servants,”
answered Satan.
“But it is the Sacred Body of thy Lord and Master; it is
the Blessed Body of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His power thou shalt be
“Yes, yes, it is true!” shrieked the demon, wildly; “it
is true. It is the Body of God. I must confess it, for I am forced to do so.
Ha! it tortures me that I must confess this; but I must. I speak the truth only
when I am forced to do it. The truth is not from me. It comes from my Lord and
Master. I have entered this body by the permission of God.”
The Bishop now held the Blessed Sacrament close to the
face of the possessed woman. The demon writhed in fearful agony. He tried in
every way to escape from the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
At length a black smoke was seen issuing from the mouth
of Nicola. She fell into a swoon, and was restored again to consciousness only
by means of the Blessed Sacrament.
Last Exorcism
8th of February.―During the procession, which
took place in the afternoon of the same day, the devil said to the Bishop: “Oh
Bishop, my shell-pate! You have taken no dinner. You are sick and weary,” And
then he began to sing—“Oh, he has eaten nothing! I knew that you had to fast
before you could drive me out of the body of this worthless wretch.”
After the procession, Nicola was again placed on the
platform, where she was held by fifteen strong men. The Bishop and clergy then
offered up a solemn prayer in Latin, in which they called the devil a spirit
accursed. “Why do you use that word accursed?” asked the devil, angrily.
“Because,” answered the Bishop, “thou hast offended God
so grievously, that thou canst never hope for pardon. Thou art lost to all love
and hope; thou hast nought but eternal damnation to expect. Thy sentence is
passed forever.”
At these words Satan became silent, and turned away.
The Bishop now began the last solemn adjuration. During
the exorcism, the devil said several times to the Bishop: “Ah, you have taken
no dinner today! You are very weak.” He then looked around, and said: “Ha, ha!
are you here, Attorney-General Bochet? You were not here this morning! ”
He then blew out the blessed candle which stood near the
Bishop, and said, with a mocking laugh, “Ha, ha! How stupid you are to burn
candles in the broad day light!”
The Bishop read the gospels, prayers and exorcisms; he
burned Beelzebub’s name, showed him the relic of the holy cross, and solemnly
commanded him to depart.
The devil answered impudently, that he did not feel like
going yet.
“I shall not ask thee any longer,” said the Bishop, “when
thou intendest to leave; I shall expel thee instantly by the power of the
living God, and by the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, His beloved
Son, here present in the Sacrament of the Altar.”
“Ha, yes!” shrieked the demon; “I confess that the Son of
God is here really and truly present. He is my Lord and Master. It tortures me
to confess it, but I am forced to do so.” Then he repeated several times, with
a wild, unearthly howl: “Yes, it is true. I must confess it. I am forced to
leave, by the power of God’s Body here present. I must—I must depart. It
torments me that I must go so soon, and that I must confess this truth. But
this truth is not from me; it comes from my Lord and Master, who has sent me
hither, and who commands and compels me to confess the truth publicly. I shall
go, but I shall not go empty-handed. By the Sacred Blood, I shall have my
booty. I shall take along with me the head of the little bailiff of Vervius.
Perhaps I could also take with me some of my Calvinists—body and soul—for they
belong to me. He! Give me your head!” cried he turning to the Bishop; “let me
see whether I cannot carry it off?“
“No, never!” answered the Bishop; “thou shalt depart, and
thou shalt take nothing with thee. These men are baptized—thou canst not touch
“Yes,” cried Satan, in a mocking tone, “they are
baptized; but, after having renounced me in baptism, they gave themselves up to
me again. Therefore they are mine—they are surely mine!”
“I forbid thee, in the name of the living God,” said the
Bishop, “to hurt either them or anyone here present.”
The Bishop then took the Blessed Sacrament in his hand,
and, holding It on high, he said, with a solemn voice: “O thou wicked, unclean
spirit, Beelzebub! Thou arch-enemy of the eternal God! Behold, here present,
the precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Lord and Master! I adjure
thee, in the name and by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, true
God and true man, who is here present; I command thee to depart instantly and
forever, from this creature of God. Depart to the deepest depth of hell, there
to be tormented forever. Go forth, unclean spirit, go forth—behold here thy
Lord and Master!”
At these solemn words, and at the sight of our
Sacramental Lord, the poor possessed woman writhed fearfully. Her limbs cracked
as if every bone in her body were breaking. The fifteen strong men who held
her, could scarcely keep her back. They staggered from side to side, they were
covered with perspiration. Satan tried to escape from the presence of our Lord
in the Blessed Sacrament. The mouth of Nicola was wide open; her tongue hung
down below her chin, her face was shockingly swollen and distorted. Her color
changed from yellow to green, and became even gray and blue, so that she no
longer looked like a human being; it was rather the face of a hideous,
incarnate demon. All present trembled with terror, especially when they heard
the wild cry of the demon, which sounded like the loud roar of a wild bull.
They fell on their knees, and, with tears in their eyes,
began to cry out: “Jesus, have mercy!”
The Bishop continued to urge Satan. At last the evil
spirit departed, and Nicola fell back senseless into the arms of her keepers.
She still, however, remained shockingly distorted. In this state she was shown
to the judges, and to all the people present; she was rolled up like a ball.
The Bishop now fell on his knees, in order to give her the Blessed Sacrament as
usual. But see! Suddenly the demon returns, wild with rage, endeavors to seize
the hand of the Bishop, and tries even to grasp the Blessed Sacrament Itself.
The Bishop starts—back Nicola is carried into the air, and the Bishop rises
from his knees, trembling with terror and pale as death.
The good Bishop takes courage again: he pursues the
demon, holding the Blessed Sacrament in his hand. Satan endeavors to escape,
and hurls the keepers to the ground.
The people call upon God for aid.
Satan departs once more, with a noise which resembles a
crash of thunder.
Suddenly he returns again in a fury, and casts a look of
rage on some Calvinists present, who stood the whole time with covered heads.
“On your knees!” cried
the people; “uncover
your heads; kneel down in the presence of the precious Body and Blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ.”
Scarcely had these words been uttered, when a wild cry
was heard, "to arms to arms!” In an instant all was in confusion.
The Catholics thought that the Calvinists had come armed
to church, in order to massacre them. The Calvinists, on the other hand, were
filled with mortal terror. Soon this fear and confusion spread throughout the
city. Everyone was terrified, but no one could tell the real cause of such a
sudden uproar.
The Bishop remained calmly at his post. Still holding the
Blessed Sacrament in his hand, he turned towards the people, and said, in a
loud voice, “My friends, do not be disturbed. Remain where you are. Here is the
true Body of our Lord Jesus Christ; He will assist us; on your knees, and pray
to God. I beg you, in the name of God, do not hurt one another.”
Scarcely had the Bishop uttered these words, when all was
instantly calm again. The people fell on their knees, and prayed to God for the
possessed woman. The Bishop still pursued and urged Satan, holding the Blessed
Sacrament in his hand, till at length the demon, overcome by the power of our Lord’s
Sacred Body, went forth amidst smoke, and lightning, and thunder.
Thus was the demon at length expelled forever, on Friday
afternoon, at three o’clock, the same day and hour on which our Lord triumphed
over hell by His ever-blessed death.
Nicola was now completely cured; she could move her left
arm with the greatest ease. She now fell on her knees, and thanked God, and the
good Bishop, for all he had done for her.
The people wept for joy, and sang hymns of praise and
thanksgiving in honor of God, and of our dear Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
On all sides were heard the exclamations: “Oh, what a
great miracle! Oh, thank God that I witnessed it! Who is there now that could
doubt of the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the
Many Protestants present also said: “I believe now in the
Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament; I have seen it with my eyes! I
will remain a Calvinist no longer. Accursed be those who have hitherto kept me
in error! Oh, now I can understand what a good thing is the holy sacrifice of
the Mass!”
A solemn Te Deum was intoned; the organ pealed forth, and
the bells rung a merry chime. The whole city was filled with joy.
Finally the Video
No Anti-Catholics
Dares to Watch
No Anti-Catholics
Dares to Watch
In The End.......
The Truth and Jesus Win...
As Even The Gates of Hell Cannot Prevail....
Reading this real life story of the exorcism of Nicola Aubry, how she was
saved by the Blessed Sacrament and the ultimate conversion to Catholicism of the
Calvinist Protestants who witnessed the exorcism should already convince anyone that the Catholic Church is no doubt the true church that Jesus has established for over 2000 years.
Yet if still
you are not convince of the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the Mystery of the
Holy Trinity then nothing will. There is no second chance in hell!
can no longer make an excuse that you were not warned for the whole article is the warning itself. Take heed for after temporal death there will be no
more second chance. Life in hell will be an eternal torment and you will ask Jesus for forgiveness but it is already too late.
This is my personal silent crusade to warn everyone of the perils of arrogance, pride and unbelief. Yes....there is no second chance in hell!
"The mind is the favorite playground of the devil" - Jesus.
Some argues why believe Satan when he is the father of all lies. Yes he is the master liar but when he was compelled by God to speak the truth - he had to speak the truth - Is there anything impossible with God? And if this unbelievers will continue to insist that what happened to Nicola Aubry and how Satan admitted the Truth, they are just fooling themselves just exactly how Satan wants them to react. It is their eternal loss not ours.
Just as Satan used John Calvin to also lead the theological reformation after Martin Luther, to oppose the Catholic Church which was founded by Jesus Christ himself 2000 years ago, he was also used by God to expose his heretic church and to confess the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
And why did this incident happen in France and right after the reformation activities of Martin Luther and John Calvin? Just ponder the very reason why God allowed this thing to happen during the 16th century reformation period. Seek the truth for yourself.
Jesus had to sacrifice and use Nicola Aubrey for the truth to come out - that the Catholic Church is the only true church that God founded through St. Peter the Rock, that this church will prevail against all attacks by the church enemies from the inside and outside that even Satan himself cannot destroy. In spite of all the attacks and the sins of the Catholic Church within most especially during the 20th century and into the 21st century, the Church will go on and will continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Please read Post #17 about the enemies of the church.
reading this article over and over again until you find the truth with your heart and not your mind. God's graces
will come to you. And he will forgive you only if you will transform your life to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him.
Graces are all over within this article. Ask to receive and you will receive his grace. Seek forgiveness of your unbelief and you will
find them when your heart is open and only when you are ready to receive and chance your life.
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