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Matthew 14:22-33 And forthwith Jesus obliged his disciples to go up into the boat, and to go before him over the water, till he dismissed the people. [23] And having dismissed the multitude, he went into a mountain alone to pray. And when it was evening, he was there alone. [24] But the boat in the midst of the sea was tossed with the waves: for the wind was contrary. [25] And in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking upon the sea.
[26] And they seeing him walk upon the sea, were troubled, saying: It is an apparition. And they cried out for fear. [27] And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: Be of good heart: it is I, fear ye not. [28] And Peter making answer, said: Lord, if it be thou, bid me come to thee upon the waters. [29] And he said: Come. And Peter going down out of the boat, walked upon the water to come to Jesus. [30] But seeing the wind strong, he was afraid: and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying: Lord, save me.
The sun in the ancient times were worship by man as god.
According to Wikipedia: A solar deity (also sun god/dess) is a sky deity who represents the Sun, or an aspect of it, usually by its perceived power and strength. Solar deities and sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms. Hence, many beliefs have formed around this worship, such as the "missing sun" found in many cultures.
The Neolithic concept of a solar barge, the sun as traversing the sky in a boat, is found in the later myths of ancient Egypt, with Ra and Horus. Earlier Egyptian myths imply that the sun is within the lioness, Sekhmet, at night and can be seen reflected in her eyes or that it is within the cow,Hathor during the night, being reborn each morning as her son (bull).
Mesopotamian Shamash plays an important role during the Bronze Age, and "my Sun" is eventually used as an address to royalty. Similarly,South American cultures have a tradition of Sun worship, as with the Incan Inti. Svarog is the Slavic god sun and spirit of fire.
Proto-Indo-European religion has a solar chariot, the sun as traversing the sky in a chariot.[citation needed] In Germanic mythology this is Sol, in Vedic Surya, and in Greek Helios(occasionally referred to as Titan) and (sometimes) as Apollo.
During the Roman Empire, a festival of the birth of the Unconquered Sun (or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) was celebrated on the winter solstice—the "rebirth" of the sun—which occurred on December 25 of the Julian calendar. In late antiquity, the theological centrality of the sun in some Imperial religious systems suggest a form of a "solar monotheism". The religious commemorations on December 25 were replaced under Christian domination of the Empire with the birthday of Christ.
The Mystery and Beauty of the Sun
At this point there is another mystery that we may all want to know about or be interested in and that is about the beauty and mystery of the sun.
Some people would say, if the sun is about a mile away from the earth, everything on earth would freeze and if the sun is about a mile closer to the sun, everything on earth will burn.
There is no amount of Science research and experiments that can deny the fact that there is a Supreme Being that is behind all of these, the architect of everything and anything about the whole universe and why everything is so well balance as they are right now.
This Supreme Being is the one and only, the God of everything, the God of all creations who knows about everything and anything who can tell exactly right now how many strands of hair each and everyone of us has as an individual. He can tell how many peeble stones there are in the whole planet, how many insects alive according to species, etc. etc.
The first two videos that you are about to see here is about the majesty and wonders of the sun God created for mankind.
At this point there is another mystery that we may all want to know about or be interested in and that is about the beauty and mystery of the sun.
Some people would say, if the sun is about a mile away from the earth, everything on earth would freeze and if the sun is about a mile closer to the sun, everything on earth will burn.
There is no amount of Science research and experiments that can deny the fact that there is a Supreme Being that is behind all of these, the architect of everything and anything about the whole universe and why everything is so well balance as they are right now.
This Supreme Being is the one and only, the God of everything, the God of all creations who knows about everything and anything who can tell exactly right now how many strands of hair each and everyone of us has as an individual. He can tell how many peeble stones there are in the whole planet, how many insects alive according to species, etc. etc.
The first two videos that you are about to see here is about the majesty and wonders of the sun God created for mankind.
A beautiful sunrise in sunny Florida USA
In just about one (1) minute the sun was out in full on the horizon (per video timer) and in just around one (1) minute more the sun was up in the clouds. This is a typical rising of the sun.
Then let's watch a sunset below.
But in the next video of the sun below, taken at Divine Mercy Hills in the Philippines on April 7, 2013, just about a year ago, God is telling us something, His mystery in front of about over 10,000 devotees. On the video the sun was seen by everyone where the video time says was at around 3:08 minutes. The sun stayed on the same spot for awhile up to around 6:58 minutes until the camera view was moved towards another view.
Over 10,000 devotees witnessed the inexplicable solar phenomenon — truly, a Divine, and Supernatural Manifestation that occurred in El Salvador city, Philippines during Feast Day of the Divine Mercy (Mercy Sunday).
The clouds broke, and from behind the mountains, the sun came out as an opaque disc in the sky. The sun danced, changed colours, spun like a pinwheel, and made a most sensational demonstration.
Many miraculous conversions and healings happened—most importantly, the healing of the human heart.
"It was in the year 2000, The Golden Jubilee Year - when a group of Divine Mercy devotees started to receive visions, messages and instructions from Jesus to start to build the Church of His Mercy." The testimony is told in a pamphlet -- published by the non-profit group Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao -- and explains the mystery behind the Divine Mercy Hills shrine.
However the response was not an immediate yes.
"For three straight years the group ignored the Lord's request to build His Church out of fear and worry."
They only had P2,000 pesos (USD $50) in the bank.
"It was an enormous task that the Lord was asking them. They had mixed feelings of doubts and uncertainties how this project, which will be funded from solicitations and donations, will materialize. Their fears and worries even became bigger with with the catastrophic disaster of the Twin Towers in New York USA in 2001."
The narrative continues, "However, God's ways are not man's ways and the Lord rebuked them for their lack of faith with this message, " Why do you doubt? The fact that you have doubts indicate that you do not know your God, as you should. If your prayer life is infiltrated with doubts, you have denied yourself the greatest single avenue of power that your God has made available to you. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Obedience to my commands always bring fulfillment. When I give you instructions, obey immediately and watch My perfect plan unfold in your life."
God won out. "Armed only with deep faith in the Mercy and providence of the Lord and convinced of the urgency of the message" the group, comprised of homemakers and ordinary townsfolk, frantically followed up with years of activity and outreach letting divine intervention miraculously clear the path that was once obscured by doubt and incredulity.
Today, the 50-foot statue of the Divine Mercy Image stands on the hills overlooking the town of El Salvador, now a city, in Misamis Oriental in Mindanao and Macajalar Bay to the east. The red and pale rays in the image are made of stairs that lead up to an inner chamber within the heart of the image where a tabernacle awaits the pilgrim. The image stands like a lighthouse for ships at sea.
The symbolism is intentional. According to the testimony, "It serves as a beacon of hope for weary souls and a fountain of respite for all people."
The little town of El Salvador in Mindanao where the Divine Mercy Hills Shrine is ensconced above a valley has become a magnet for pilgrims and travelers from all over the Philippines and many parts of the world eager to see the wonders of mercy that the Lord has wrought in this remote part of the world. Among them are the faithful who carry out the deeds prayers and words asked in the "Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul" by Sister Faustina which reads, "I desire that the whole world know my infinite mercy. I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy." (Diary 687)
"The site would be in this century what Fatima was in its own century according to the Lord," explained Paquita Adaza, the spokesperson for the Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao, Inc. and one of the members of the charismatic prayer group that was inspired to carry out the enormous undertaking.
She explained it took their prayer group three years to act but in the end, the numerous signs, encouragement and inspiration from the Lord won out over what seemed insurmountable obstacles of fear, apprehension, lack of money and procrastination to build a shrine in an obscure town in Mindanao.
"True to His words, when the group submitted to God's Holy Will, an endless account of miracles took place, from the discovery of the land, negotiations with lot owners, and finding funds for the purchase of the lots, up to the outpouring of donations for its initial developments and the construction of the P25M-plus, 50-foot statue in only three years."
Paqits Adaza was in Malibu, California for a retreat last week, July 11-16, 2011, where she shared her testimony about the mystery of the shrine and announced the shrine’s last remaining work, the construction of a church for pilgrims which will be consecrated on February 11, 2013.
The church will be built behind the statue and a leading architectural firm capped the design with a unique building frame in the shape of crown of thorns that will adorn its domed roof.
“Time is short,” according to Paqits Diaz, “We were given ten years by the Lord to complete this work. We started in 2003 and we shall end the work in 2012-2013.”
There is a sense of anticipation in her voice. At the same time, one encounters in the person of Paqits Diaz a sense of peace and joy in the Lord and a total trust in his plan of mercy.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayer Ministry, is the powerhouse behind the Foundation according to Paqits Adaza. “This group is composed of simple lay people who are blessed with the gifts of visions and prophecy. It is through the members of this group, particularly Agustina Tante, Merlyn Pacana and Marlyn Aguilor, that God revealed His plan to build the Divine Mercy Shrine.”
Shrine Facts
The shrine is currently co-managed by three organizations: the Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao, Inc., the Congregation of the Marian of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Inc. headed by Fr. Jam M. Rokosz, MIC, Superior General MIC and Fr. Jan Migacz, MIC, Superior of the Asian Vicarate of MIC, and the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro headed by Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J. The Rector of the Archdiocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy is Fr. Walerian Pozniak, MIC.
The Divine Mercy Hills will feature complete retreat and seminar facilities. Places for reflection and meditation such as Mary’s Rosary Garden and the Stations of the Cross will sprawl over the 12-hectare area.
The 50-foot Statue of Jesus Christ of Divine Mercy is at the center of the shrine. Its base houses the reconciliation rooms while the heart holds a chamber of adoration.
Divine Mercy Hills Information
A book “Mysteries and Miracles: Divine Mercy Hills” details the work of shrine and is available from Divine Mercy Publications, owned by the Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao. For more information, email divinemercypublications@yahoo.com.
Healing Waters
The book “Mysteries and Miracles” contains testimonies of the many miracles witnessed at the shrine. It recalls how hidden springs in the hills of the shrine were discovered after much discernment and prayers during the early days of construction at the shrine grounds when construction crews experienced the hardship of hauling water up from the foothills.
The waters have healing properties as revealed by the Lord. It was a petition requested by his mother according to the Lord.
One testimony is of the healing of a Muslim woman Nurhina Marcampo Udin in July 2007 as reported by Mrs. Raquel E. Cabarron in July 2007.
Another, Alma A. Jovero of Dumaguete City claimed she was healed of her arthritis after drinking the healing water. Her son, Wilfredo Jovero Jr. was also healed of his drug addiction on the Feast of Divine Mercy last April 15, 2007.
According to the book “Mysteries and Miracles” (Page 44) Divine Mercy Hills is Holy Ground. And accounts of miracles give proof to the claim of the visionaries that the place is set apart by divine design.
The site was first visited by the prayer group on the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, Feb 11 in a village coincidentally named “El Salvador” (The Savior).
“The Lord in a message said He prepared this place a long time ago. It is a place of healing and conversion. A safe refuge where weary souls come for rest,” according to Paqits Adaza.
Our Lady of the Snows
El Salvador’s patron saint is Our Lady of the Snows. Our Lady of the Snows commemorates the miracle of how an unusual snowfall in the middle of summer in the month of August in Rome marked the footprint of where the Basilica of St. Mary Major was eventually built in the year 352 to honor the wishes of the Blessed Mother.
Unexplained Signs
At the Divine Mercy Hills Shrine many have witness many unexplained signs.
According to eyewitness reports, “In August 25, 2004 one visitor, Mike Dial, a balikbayan from Sacramento, California, saw a flash of light like a bright morning star moving around the vicinity of the Divine Mercy Hills. It stopped above the spot where the Divine Mercy Statue is now standing. It was revealed in a vision to a member of the intercessory prayer group that the bright morning star is the one protecting the place which is holy ground.” (See bottom photo.)
Pilgrims also witnessed a celestial phenomenon also seen at Fatima, the miracle of the sun, in April 2004 on Good Friday after a recitation of the Stations of the Cross. It would not be the only time. Several times the dancing sun appeared especially during the celebration of the Feast of Mercy (Sunday after Easter) and the birthday of the Blessed Virgin (Sept 8).
Shrine Visit
Pilgrims are advised to observe a prayerful atmosphere when they visit the shrine. To spend time in the chapel praying the Chaplet of Mercy and simply communicating with the Lord. It is likewise advised for pilgrims to observe dress codes when visiting the shrine. Avoid wearing revealing dresses and shorts. This is a holy place not a picnic ground.
For more details about pilgrimage to Divine Mercy Hills, please call the office of the Divine Mercy Foundation Mindanao (Phil), Inc. at Telephone No (088) 350-9095 or text 09295468052. -- Special Report, AJ editor@asianjournalusa.com
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When the church authority approved the plan to establish the Divine Mercy Hills in El Salvador, Misamis Oriental, the Foundation wasted no time to plan for its development. The Divine Mercy Hills is a holy ground prepared by the Lord a long time ago as revealed in the divine message. As a place of healing and conversion and safe refuge where weary souls come for rest the pilgrims are advised to respect the prayerful atmosphere in visiting the shrine.
From 2005 pilgrims started coming to the Divine Mercy Hills to join major celebrations such as the Feast of Divine Mercy, the Birthday of the Blessed Mother, the Feast of Christ the King and other activities throughout the year. The number of pilgrims steadily increases each year. Expectant to experience again and again the solemn Eucharistic Celebration amidst the landscaped natural terrain, being able to feel the grace of cool morning breeze, watch the rising sun that dances with intense glee as everyone would expect as the Holy Mass is about to conclude, the pilgrims praise and thank God for the grace of a pilgrimage to His Hills.
Following the canonical declaration of the Divine Mercy Shrine last September 8, 2008 which is also its anniversary, the management of the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Divine Mercy at the Divine Mercy Hills in El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental, is now managed by three (3) parties, namely:
The Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro;
The Marians of the Immaculate Conception; and
The Divine Mercy Foundation of Mindanao (Phils.), Inc.Everything that happened, activities, regular and new programs, development projects, are being jointly and severally deliberated and decided upon by the Tripartite Council which regularly holds meeting every last Thursday of the month.
The following are the regular programs and activities held on a year-round basis and which have been running well since the declaration of the Shrine.
Daily Holy Masses – schedule from Monday to Friday at 3:30 p.m.
Saturday Holy Masses – schedule: 8:00 A.M. & 4:00 P.M.
Sunday Holy Masses – schedule: 8:00 A.M.; 10:00 A.M.; & 3:00 P.M.
Daily Confession, one hour before the Holy Mass
Whole day on Saturdays and Sundays
First Thursday and First Friday Vigil
Every 1st of January (New Year’s Day) - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Every 11th of February - Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
Every March/April (movable dates) - Commemoration of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Holy Week)
Every First Sunday after Easter Sunday - Feast of Mercy (Mercy Sunday)
Every 8th of September - Birthday Celebration of the BV Mary
Every 8th of September - Anniversary of the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Divine Mercy
Every 3rd Sunday of November - Celebration of Christ the King
Every November 3rd Sunday - Celebration of Christ the King
Every December 8th - Celebration of the Immaculate Conception
Every December 25th - Annual Gift Giving to the Less Fortunate
Evangelization and the spread of the devotion to the Divine Mercy is well integrated in everyday activities at the Shrine. Be it during holy masses or short basic orientation on the message and devotion to the Divine Mercy before the pilgrims go up to the heart of Jesus (in the statue) to adore the Blessed Sacrament exposed at certain hours daily. Retreats and recollections by various groups and organizations held at the Shrine also provide a topic on the message and devotion to the Divine Mercy.
Healing and counseling processes which includes pray over to the sick people who come to the Divine Mercy Shrine for healing plays a very important part in the faith of most Filipinos. Every Saturday is scheduled for healing and counseling ministered by the Divine Mercy Intercessory Group.
The MIC priests gave their unwavering commitment to hear confessions everyday at the Shrine as people from all walks of life from all over Mindanao and the country are increasing especially during summer time and other holidays. During the week long preparation for the Feast of Mercy people are encouraged to make confessions before the Feast of Mercy. A general program called “KUMPISAL NG BAYAN” an almost 24 hour hearing of confessions is held at the Shrine every Saturday before the Mercy Sunday. Many priests from the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro are invited to the Shrine and they gave their support on this activity.
As a holy ground, the serenity of the place provides perfect ambiance for prayer and meditation. Everyone is encouraged to observe the dress code in maintaining the sacred place of worship. Devotees are deep believers that their only hope of salvation is God. In going to the Divine Mercy Shrine they drink the pure water that the Lord abundantly supplied with the most profound faith in their hearts that God will heal their infirmities and grant them the graces they asked. They would come back at other times because they promised also to support the development of the hills and because God granted their prayers. It’s truly amazing to hear their testimonies and sharing, unknown and unpublished accounts of the individual miracles they experienced in their lives, the true and simple confessions and conversions about how they were able to survive the dark storms in their lives. They all attribute it to the unfathomable Divine Mercy and the powerful intercession of the Blessed Mother of God.
This link is the official site of the Divine Mercy Hills.
The Mysteries and Miracles of Divine Mercy Hills
This involves a series of photographs taken from 2003-2013 and shared by pilgrims, devotees and visitors at Divine Mercy Shrine in El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental.Accordingly, these photographs showed some unique events, mysterious and unexplained appearances of images with religious connotations on the surrounding hills of the shrine complex. A collage of these photographs is seen at a 20-meter long tarpaulin installed at the site next to the newly-built Divine Mercy Church as shown below. The posting is related to the Philippine Apostolic Congress on Mercy (PACOM 2013) currently being held at the shrine complex.
Do Miracles Still Occur?
To discredit the countless miracles that had been given in confirmation of the Catholic faith, the original Protestant Reformers utterly rejected the idea that miracles had continued beyond the apostolic age.
However, when the Pentecostal movement began in Protestantism in 1900, with its emphasis on miraculous healing and other charisms, the Pentecostals had to find ways to try to explain why such miracles had "vanished" for so long. The answer is that they never did, as the following quotes of the early Church Fathers show. Miracles have always been found in the Catholic Church, and the idea that they stopped with the death of the last apostle would have been foreign to the early Church Fathers.
Historian Ramsay MacMullen points out that contemporary miracles played a central role in Christian apologetics in the early centuries: "When careful assessment is made of passages in the ancient written evidence that clearly indicate a motive . . . leading a person to conversion, they show (so far as I can discover): first, the operation of a desire for blessings . . . second, and much more attested, a fear of physical pain . . . third, and most frequent, credence in miracles" (Christianizing the Roman Empire, 108).
"Christian writers themselves . . . portray the learned and sophisticated as having been won over by sheer force of logic, and the unlearned, by a sort of stupefaction or terror before the greatness of God’s power" (ibid., 109).
The Martyrdom of Polycarp
To discredit the countless miracles that had been given in confirmation of the Catholic faith, the original Protestant Reformers utterly rejected the idea that miracles had continued beyond the apostolic age.
However, when the Pentecostal movement began in Protestantism in 1900, with its emphasis on miraculous healing and other charisms, the Pentecostals had to find ways to try to explain why such miracles had "vanished" for so long. The answer is that they never did, as the following quotes of the early Church Fathers show. Miracles have always been found in the Catholic Church, and the idea that they stopped with the death of the last apostle would have been foreign to the early Church Fathers.
Historian Ramsay MacMullen points out that contemporary miracles played a central role in Christian apologetics in the early centuries: "When careful assessment is made of passages in the ancient written evidence that clearly indicate a motive . . . leading a person to conversion, they show (so far as I can discover): first, the operation of a desire for blessings . . . second, and much more attested, a fear of physical pain . . . third, and most frequent, credence in miracles" (Christianizing the Roman Empire, 108).
"Christian writers themselves . . . portray the learned and sophisticated as having been won over by sheer force of logic, and the unlearned, by a sort of stupefaction or terror before the greatness of God’s power" (ibid., 109).
The Martyrdom of Polycarp
"When he Polycarp had . . . finished his prayer, those who were appointed for the purpose kindled the fire [to burn him to death]. And as the flame blazed forth in great fury, we to whom it was given to witness it beheld a great miracle and have been preserved that we might report to others what then took place. For the fire, shaping itself into the form of an arch, like the sail of a ship when filled with the wind, encompassed as by a circle the body of the martyr. And he appeared within, not like flesh which is burnt, but as bread that is baked, or as gold and silver glowing in a furnace. Moreover, we perceived such a sweet odor, as if frankincense or some such precious spices had been smoking there. At length, when those wicked men perceived that his body could not be consumed by the fire, they commanded an executioner to go near and pierce him through with a dagger. And on his doing this, there came forth a dove and a great quantity of blood, so that the fire was extinguished, and all the people wondered that there should be such a difference between the unbelievers and the elect" (Martyrdom of Polycarp 15–16 A.D. 155).
"Heretics are so far . . . from being able to raise the dead, as the Lord raised them and the apostles did by means of prayer, and as has been frequently done in the Catholic brotherhood on account of some necessity. The entire church in that particular locality entreating with much fasting and prayer, the spirit of the dead man has returned, and he has been bestowed in answer to the prayers of the saints" (Against Heresies 2:31:2–4 A.D. 189).
"When a scorpion stings someone’s heel we have faith for a defense, if we are not smitten with distrust itself also, in immediately making the sign of the cross and adjuring and besmearing the heel with the beast. Finally, we often aid in this way even the heathen, seeing we have been endowed by God with that power which the apostle Paul first used when he despised the viper’s bite Acts 28:3-5" (Antidote Against the Scorpion 1 A.D. 211).
Eusebius of Caesarea
"The citizens of that parish in Alexandria mention many other miracles of Narcissus . . . among which they relate the following wonder as performed by him. . . . The oil once failed while the deacons were watching through the night at the great Paschal Vigil. Thereupon, the whole multitude being dismayed, Narcissus directed those who attended to the lights to draw water and bring it to him. This being immediately done he prayed over the water and with firm faith in the Lord commanded them to pour it into the lamps. And when they had done so, contrary to all expectation, by a wonderful and divine power the nature of the water was changed into that of oil. A small portion of it has been preserved even to our day by many of the brethren there as a memento of the wonder" (Church History 6:9:1–3 A.D. 312).
"So take these as an example, beloved Dracontius, and do not say, or believe those who say, that the bishop’s office is an occasion to sin. . . . For we know both bishops who fast and monks who eat. We know bishops who drink no wine as well as monks who do. We know bishops who work miracles as well as monks who do not" (Letters 49:9 A.D. 354).
"The citizens of that parish in Alexandria mention many other miracles of Narcissus . . . among which they relate the following wonder as performed by him. . . . The oil once failed while the deacons were watching through the night at the great Paschal Vigil. Thereupon, the whole multitude being dismayed, Narcissus directed those who attended to the lights to draw water and bring it to him. This being immediately done he prayed over the water and with firm faith in the Lord commanded them to pour it into the lamps. And when they had done so, contrary to all expectation, by a wonderful and divine power the nature of the water was changed into that of oil. A small portion of it has been preserved even to our day by many of the brethren there as a memento of the wonder" (Church History 6:9:1–3 A.D. 312).
"So take these as an example, beloved Dracontius, and do not say, or believe those who say, that the bishop’s office is an occasion to sin. . . . For we know both bishops who fast and monks who eat. We know bishops who drink no wine as well as monks who do. We know bishops who work miracles as well as monks who do not" (Letters 49:9 A.D. 354).
Ambrose of Milan
"As I do not wish anything which takes place here in your absence to escape the knowledge of your holiness my sister, you must know that we have found some bodies of holy martyrs. . . . We found two men of marvelous stature, such as those of ancient days. All the bones were perfect. . . . Briefly we arranged the whole in order, and as evening was now coming on, transferred them to the basilica of Fausta, where watch was kept during the night and some received the laying on of hands. On the following morning we translated the relics to the basilica called Ambrosian. During the translation a blind man was healed. . . . Arians deny that the blind man received sight, but he denies not that he is healed. He says: ‘I, who could not see, now see,’ and proves it by the fact. . . . He declares that when he touched the hem of the robe of the martyrs, wherewith the sacred relics were covered, his sight was restored" (Letters 22:1–2, 17 A.D. 388).
Basil the Great
"But where shall I rank the great Gregory [the Wonderworker] and the words uttered by him? Shall we not place among the apostles and prophets a man who walked by the same Spirit as they? . . . For by the fellow-working of the Spirit, the power which he had over demons was tremendous and so gifted was he with the grace of the word . . . that, though only seventeen Christians were handed over to him, he brought the whole people alike in town and country through knowledge to God. He too by Christ’s mighty name commanded even rivers to change their course and caused a lake . . . to dry up. Moreover his predictions of things to come were such as in no way to fall short of the great prophets" (The Holy Spirit 74 A.D. 375).
"A woman with three sick children came to Hilarion and on reaching the saint she said: ‘I pray you by Jesus our most merciful God . . . to restore to me my three sons, so that the name of our Lord and Savior may be glorified in the city of the Gentiles. Then shall his servants enter Gaza and the idol Marnas shall fall to the ground.’ At first he refused and said that he never left his cell . . . but the woman did not leave him till he promised he would enter Gaza after sunset. On coming thither he made the sign of the cross over the bed and fevered limbs of each child and called upon the name of Jesus. Marvelous efficacy of the name! . . . In that very hour they took food, recognized the mourning mother, and with thanks to God warmly kissed the saint’s hands" (Life of St. Hilarion 14 A.D. 390).
John Chrysostom
"In our generation, in the case of him who surpassed all in ungodliness, I mean the Emperor Julian, many strange things happened. Thus, when the Jews were attempting to raise up again the temple at Jerusalem, fire burst out from the foundations and utterly hindered them all; and when both his treasurer and his uncle and namesake made the sacred vessels the subject of their open insolence, one was eaten with worms and gave up the ghost, the other burst apart in the middle. Moreover, the fountains failing when sacrifices were made there and the entrance of famine into the cities together with the emperor himself was a very great sign. For it is usual with God to do such things when evils are multiplied" (Homilies on Matthew 4:2 A.D. 391).
"In the same city of Carthage lived Innocentia, a very devout woman of the highest rank in the state. She had cancer in one of her breasts, a disease which, as physicians say, is incurable. . . . This lady we speak of had been advised by a skillful physician, who was intimate with her family, and she betook herself to God alone in prayer. On the approach of Easter, she was instructed in a dream to wait for the first woman that came out of the baptistery after being baptized and to have her make the sign of Christ upon the sore. She did so, and was immediately cured" (The City of God 22:8 A.D. 419).
"For even now miracles are wrought in the name of Christ, whether by his sacraments or by the prayers or relics of his saints. . . . But who but a very small number are aware of the cure which was wrought upon Innocentius . . . a cure wrought at Carthage, in my presence, and under my own eyes? . . . For he and all his household were devotedly pious. He was being treated by medical men for fistulae, of which he had a large number. . . . He had already undergone an operation but clearly needed another. . . . He cast himself down . . . and began to pray; but in what a manner, with what earnestness and emotion, with what a flood of tears, with what groans and sobs, that shook his whole body and almost prevented him speaking. . . . And when the surgeons arrived, all that the circumstances required was ready; the frightful instruments were produced; all look on in wonder and suspense. . . . But the surgeon finds a perfectly firm scar! No words of mine can describe the joy, and praise, and thanksgiving to the merciful and almighty God, which was poured from the lips of all with tears of gladness. Let the scene of rejoicing be imagined rather than described!" (ibid.).
"A gouty doctor of the same city, when he had given his name for baptism and had been forbidden the day before his baptism from being baptized that year by black woolly-haired boys who appeared to him in his dreams (and whom he understood to be devils), and when . . . he refused to obey them but overcame them and would not defer being washed in the laver of regeneration, was relieved in the very act of baptism, not only of the extraordinary pain he was tortured with, but also of the disease itself" (ibid.).
"What am I to do? I am so pressed by the promise of finishing this work that I cannot record all the miracles I know, and doubtless several of our adherents, when they read what I have narrated, will regret that I have omitted many which they, as well as I, certainly know. Even now I beg these persons to excuse me and to consider how long it would take me to
relate all those miracles, which the necessity of finishing the work I have undertaken forces me to omit. . . . Even now, therefore, many miracles are wrought, the same God who wrought those we read of in the Bible is still performing them, by whom he will and as he will" (ibid.).
Pope Gregory I
"I determined, through the aid of your prayers for me, to send . . . a monk of my monastery for the purpose of preaching [to the heathen in Anglia]. And he, having with my leave been made bishop by the bishops of Germany, proceeded with their aid also to the end of the world to the aforesaid nation, and already letters have reached us telling us of his safety and his work, to the effect that he and those that have been sent with him are resplendent with such great miracles in the said nation that they seem to imitate the powers of the apostles in the signs they display. Moreover, at the solemnity of the Lord’s nativity Christmas which occurred in this first indiction, more than ten thousand Angli are reported to have been baptized by the same, our brother and fellow bishop" (Letters 30 A.D. 597).
"I have given some instructions to Boniface, the guardian who is the bearer of these presents, for him to communicate to your holiness in private. Moreover, I have sent you keys of the blessed apostle Peter, who loves you, which are wont to shine forth with many miracles when placed on the bodies of sick persons" (ibid., 26).
NIHIL OBSTAT: I have concluded that the materials
presented in this work are free of doctrinal or moral errors.
Bernadeane Carr, STL, Censor Librorum, August 10, 2004
IMPRIMATUR: In accord with 1983 CIC 827
permission to publish this work is hereby granted.
+Robert H. Brom, Bishop of San Diego, August 10, 2004
Revelation 13:13-15 And he did great signs, so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth in the sight of men. And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs, which were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and lived. And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain.
The Egyptian Deceiver - The Magicians
The Egyptian Deceiver - The Magicians
Miracle is of God, Deception is of the Devil
There is no miracle where there is no God. Anyone can claim but if they are not of God then they are of the devil. There is joy in the hearts of people if the miracle is from God.
But the so-called miracles from the deceiver are actually called deceptions which are all short-lived and there will be no peace and serenity in ones heart who experiences a short-lived deceptions from the devil.
Healing or Miracle Worship I Attended
In 1987 I attended a huge healing worship by non-Catholic congregation. I was so touched by the healing words from the preacher and I felt the words of God in my heart while tears were flowing in silence.
Then the healing portion began and everyone who were lined up for healing were touched in their heads and they were dropping backward in seconds after where some assistants were catching them to avoid falling hard on their backs and let them lie for few more seconds before getting up. Everyone I can hear were saying 'Amen' or 'Alleluia' then it was my turn.
Heart Condition
Before coming to the healing worship, I already had a heart condition and I wanted to be healed so desperately and I waited for this very moment as I was very dependent on medication 24/7 so I came for that healing miracle.
The Healing or Miracle Portion of the Worship
So I went through the process myself. I lied down for few seconds after being touched and got up trying to feel my heart. It was just an ordinary touch. Yet when I got up I felt extreme loneliness instead in my heart and the tears of joy were gone. My heart went empty and my heart condition remained the same.
Extreme Loneliness
In my loneliness I lingered around for a little longer hoping and praying and still looking for an answer while looking at everyone who were leaving the place in single or in groups.
Were They Acting?
I couldn't help but wonder if anyone was really healed. There were some who been acting happily and shouting 'Alleluia or Amen or praise the Lord' but I wondered where they some kind of actors? How can they be healed when I was not? I was crying during the preaching and continued to pray for healing in the silence of my heart.
My Journey Back to Catholicism
Fast forward, I went back to Catholicism after some years of learning and searching for Him in different church congregations in the Philippines. While I was searching I would watch every TV shows about God, like the 700 Club, Jimmy Swaggart's ministry and many more.
In one of the TV programs that I watched regularly I finally got fed-up of listening to endless criticism of the Catholic Church for which I can easily tell were all lies and fabrications because I went to four years of studies on Religion and I was no longer naive about God, the Apostles and both the Old and the New Testaments. I would always listen intently and discern everyone's teachings for I am seeking. I decided then it was time for me to go back to the Catholic Church as I realize I would never find what I was looking for in anyone from the many non-catholic churches or congregations I went to or have listened to.
Jesus Addressed Me as "Son"
Before I started attending the regular Sunday Masses again (real worship of God-The Miracle of the Blessed Sacrament), I went to a priest to confess all my sins, shortcomings and failures. During my confession, I asked the priest if it wrong for me as a catholic to attend other churches' worship or bible studies. I felt something when he answered with so much compassion and understanding when he said: "Son, it is not wrong to attend other church worships but only accept those which are right and disregard those which are not." At that moment an unexplainable joy and happiness filled my heart and as I went to the pew to pray my penance, tears were already flowing with so much joy. It was so overwhelming. Then something struck my mind and heart. I said to myself, why did the priest addressed me as "Son". Never in my whole life that a priest addressed me as such during confessions. In other occasions, yes, like in normal conversations. But what awed me the most was the feeling of utmost joy and happiness I felt at that moment. To me this was a real miracle.
Then few months after and having been dependent on heart medication where I was taking Isordil (a small type of pill I would put under my tongue and in just 3 seconds I could feel it going right straight to my heart and feel that soothing relief in my heart) I hold the bottles of Isordil and other medications and I talked to God in the silence of my heart that from that day on, Jesus would be now be my doctor and I don't need any of the medications anymore that if it is my time to go then let it be so but if it is not yet my time, I would go on living. That was many years ago and now I am 65 years old and still around. Now when you truly believe in Jesus Christ as your God, anything can happen. Jesus hailed me and took my hands from there on.
Is miracle true and my answer is YES. Is Jesus Christ God? And my answer again is YES. How can I prove it? My one and half year old daughter saw Him walking and shouted so loud like a typical innocent young girl, 'mommy...mommy...Papa Jesus' while pointing her hand to a direction. At her very young and tender age she would always look at the picture of Jesus on top of our altar and addressed the picture as 'Papa Jesus'. That was what we taught her.
The Chair
In my journey in searched for the TRUTH, I learned from Jesus that because I was already seated on a chair, I did't have to keep transferring from one chair to another just to find that peace of mind and comfort I was looking for. All I have to do was to enjoy the chair that was given to me by Jesus. Now if it was a chair from the devil, then it would be a different situation as I would then be so proud for being with a true church that promised to save me from hell. But I will have no peace because I'd be detrimental and indifferent with anyone outside my religion especially if they are catholics knowing that I would be saved and they will not be. I'd be biased and laugh at them for I will have no compassion, charity, love, sharing, understanding, giving, forgiving and surely I will not share brotherhood with anyone outside my church. I'd be selfish and self-righteous and I would mock and hate anyone who is outside my church. I would throw invective insults at them anytime and call them names. In fact, I would look down at them and brag to their face that I would be saved with my church and let them know they will go down to hell. I would not even care if they go to hell as long as with my brotherhood in my church I would be saved.
But wait a minute. I have to really look deeply and carefully discern because it is my soul and not their soul which is at stake here. Will I take that promise of salvation from mere humans whom you never know if they are deceiver or not? Or shall listen to Jesus directly thru His own chosen workers? Am I sitted on the right chair?
How would I examine myself? Perhaps I should ask myself the following questions:
Do I belong to a church that is of the devil
If I have peace and serenity in my heart and I don't have any hate or ill feelings against anyone but compassion, love, understanding, care, charity, forgiveness then I could safely says I am under the grace of God and not under the clutches of the evil one. Then I know I am setting on the right chair from God.
You will know more about me on my very first posting here on August 24, 2013 (Saturday): 1. LOOK AT THE BIRDS IN THE SKY, THEY DO NOT SOW OR REAP......
Healing or Miracle Worship I Attended
In 1987 I attended a huge healing worship by non-Catholic congregation. I was so touched by the healing words from the preacher and I felt the words of God in my heart while tears were flowing in silence.
Then the healing portion began and everyone who were lined up for healing were touched in their heads and they were dropping backward in seconds after where some assistants were catching them to avoid falling hard on their backs and let them lie for few more seconds before getting up. Everyone I can hear were saying 'Amen' or 'Alleluia' then it was my turn.
Heart Condition
Before coming to the healing worship, I already had a heart condition and I wanted to be healed so desperately and I waited for this very moment as I was very dependent on medication 24/7 so I came for that healing miracle.
The Healing or Miracle Portion of the Worship
So I went through the process myself. I lied down for few seconds after being touched and got up trying to feel my heart. It was just an ordinary touch. Yet when I got up I felt extreme loneliness instead in my heart and the tears of joy were gone. My heart went empty and my heart condition remained the same.
Extreme Loneliness
In my loneliness I lingered around for a little longer hoping and praying and still looking for an answer while looking at everyone who were leaving the place in single or in groups.
Were They Acting?
I couldn't help but wonder if anyone was really healed. There were some who been acting happily and shouting 'Alleluia or Amen or praise the Lord' but I wondered where they some kind of actors? How can they be healed when I was not? I was crying during the preaching and continued to pray for healing in the silence of my heart.
My Journey Back to Catholicism
Fast forward, I went back to Catholicism after some years of learning and searching for Him in different church congregations in the Philippines. While I was searching I would watch every TV shows about God, like the 700 Club, Jimmy Swaggart's ministry and many more.
In one of the TV programs that I watched regularly I finally got fed-up of listening to endless criticism of the Catholic Church for which I can easily tell were all lies and fabrications because I went to four years of studies on Religion and I was no longer naive about God, the Apostles and both the Old and the New Testaments. I would always listen intently and discern everyone's teachings for I am seeking. I decided then it was time for me to go back to the Catholic Church as I realize I would never find what I was looking for in anyone from the many non-catholic churches or congregations I went to or have listened to.
Jesus Addressed Me as "Son"
Before I started attending the regular Sunday Masses again (real worship of God-The Miracle of the Blessed Sacrament), I went to a priest to confess all my sins, shortcomings and failures. During my confession, I asked the priest if it wrong for me as a catholic to attend other churches' worship or bible studies. I felt something when he answered with so much compassion and understanding when he said: "Son, it is not wrong to attend other church worships but only accept those which are right and disregard those which are not." At that moment an unexplainable joy and happiness filled my heart and as I went to the pew to pray my penance, tears were already flowing with so much joy. It was so overwhelming. Then something struck my mind and heart. I said to myself, why did the priest addressed me as "Son". Never in my whole life that a priest addressed me as such during confessions. In other occasions, yes, like in normal conversations. But what awed me the most was the feeling of utmost joy and happiness I felt at that moment. To me this was a real miracle.
Then few months after and having been dependent on heart medication where I was taking Isordil (a small type of pill I would put under my tongue and in just 3 seconds I could feel it going right straight to my heart and feel that soothing relief in my heart) I hold the bottles of Isordil and other medications and I talked to God in the silence of my heart that from that day on, Jesus would be now be my doctor and I don't need any of the medications anymore that if it is my time to go then let it be so but if it is not yet my time, I would go on living. That was many years ago and now I am 65 years old and still around. Now when you truly believe in Jesus Christ as your God, anything can happen. Jesus hailed me and took my hands from there on.
Is miracle true and my answer is YES. Is Jesus Christ God? And my answer again is YES. How can I prove it? My one and half year old daughter saw Him walking and shouted so loud like a typical innocent young girl, 'mommy...mommy...Papa Jesus' while pointing her hand to a direction. At her very young and tender age she would always look at the picture of Jesus on top of our altar and addressed the picture as 'Papa Jesus'. That was what we taught her.
The Chair
In my journey in searched for the TRUTH, I learned from Jesus that because I was already seated on a chair, I did't have to keep transferring from one chair to another just to find that peace of mind and comfort I was looking for. All I have to do was to enjoy the chair that was given to me by Jesus. Now if it was a chair from the devil, then it would be a different situation as I would then be so proud for being with a true church that promised to save me from hell. But I will have no peace because I'd be detrimental and indifferent with anyone outside my religion especially if they are catholics knowing that I would be saved and they will not be. I'd be biased and laugh at them for I will have no compassion, charity, love, sharing, understanding, giving, forgiving and surely I will not share brotherhood with anyone outside my church. I'd be selfish and self-righteous and I would mock and hate anyone who is outside my church. I would throw invective insults at them anytime and call them names. In fact, I would look down at them and brag to their face that I would be saved with my church and let them know they will go down to hell. I would not even care if they go to hell as long as with my brotherhood in my church I would be saved.
But wait a minute. I have to really look deeply and carefully discern because it is my soul and not their soul which is at stake here. Will I take that promise of salvation from mere humans whom you never know if they are deceiver or not? Or shall listen to Jesus directly thru His own chosen workers? Am I sitted on the right chair?
How would I examine myself? Perhaps I should ask myself the following questions:
Do I belong to a church that is of the devil
- if I am charitable?
- if I am loving?
- if I am kind?
- if I am understanding?
- if I am faithful?
- if I am forgiving?
- if I am caring?
- if I don't throw insult to others?
- if I don't hurt anyone's feelings?
- if I only want to make people happy?
- if I only help people?
- if I don't deceive people?
- if I don't lie to people?
- if I don't push people to commit errors or sins?
Or do I belong to the true church of Jesus Christ and God
- if I am mean to others?
- if I throw insults to others?
- if I hate them?
- if I call them names?
- if I course or use foul words to others?
- if I throw invectiveness?
- if I look down at them?
- if I look at their faults at all times?
- if I try to destroy their image?
- if I twist all facts about them?
- if I twist facts and lie to them about my church?
- if I close my hearts to them?
- if I close my eyes, my mind and heart to the TRUTH?
- if I deceive them in any way?
- if I confuse them?
- if I am not truthful?
- if I use the devil's bible versions?
- if I condemn and judge anyone outside my church?
- if I am quick to condemn and judge?
- if I pretend not to know the TRUTH for fear of retaliation from my church leaders?
- if I be come so proud?
- if I go for Guinness Book of Records rather go out to apostolate and spread the love of God?
- if I use the church membership to enrich myself?
- if I conduct business within my church?
- if I rape my co-church members?
- if I commit errors against my neighbors?
- if I steal from my neighbors?
- if I covet my neighbor's wife or husband?
- if I commit homosexuality and sodomy?
- if I commit fornications?
- if I corrupt or fervert others?
- if I teach others to commit corruption?
- if I cause others harm?
- if I cause others to fall or commit sins?
- if I engage in secret murders and crimes?
- if I tempt people?
- if I accuse people without rightful reason?
- if I keep quite and protect my co-church members for crimes they have committed?
- and if I any unGodly acts or violence or remarks or gossip rumour mongering or etc...
So which chair am I seated rightfully? Am I true to myself or am I just deceiving myself just because I am convinced by eloquent teachers and preachers to believe in what they believe? How would I know that everything from them is all lie?
HOW GOD SEE ME - THE MIRROR OF MY SOUL (link) - How I see myself inside my heart with truthfulness in my mind not hiding anything is how I see the condition of my soul and this is exactly how my God see me as well. Click the above link and examine yourself deeply. In some situation, many depend their salvation on the basis of what their minister or deacon has taught them. Shall we say they are right or is taking a risk. In real practice you can tell yourself by your daily conduct and actuations.
Someone bragged to me that she saw her way to salvation when she left Catholicism after using her mind and realizing that she is now 100% sure her new church is the one true church and has all the correct doctrines. However in reality, I see more of ego, vanity or pride and no sign of humility in the way she reacts or answers threads. I use the word brag because that was what she was all about. In other words, everything her church say is always right that other churches are of the devil, that all their teachings are all true according to scripture. But their founder have condemned all churches outside their own to be of the devil yet they are using the bible versions of all these churches they have condemned as of the devil. One more thing, theirs is a closed church, no sign of transparency unlike Catholicism and Protestantism are so open that anyone can easily know what is going on insider their churches. The only way to find out what is going on inside first hand is to meet their ministers and be indoctrinated to their religion within six solid months.
HOW GOD SEE ME - THE MIRROR OF MY SOUL (link) - How I see myself inside my heart with truthfulness in my mind not hiding anything is how I see the condition of my soul and this is exactly how my God see me as well. Click the above link and examine yourself deeply. In some situation, many depend their salvation on the basis of what their minister or deacon has taught them. Shall we say they are right or is taking a risk. In real practice you can tell yourself by your daily conduct and actuations.
Someone bragged to me that she saw her way to salvation when she left Catholicism after using her mind and realizing that she is now 100% sure her new church is the one true church and has all the correct doctrines. However in reality, I see more of ego, vanity or pride and no sign of humility in the way she reacts or answers threads. I use the word brag because that was what she was all about. In other words, everything her church say is always right that other churches are of the devil, that all their teachings are all true according to scripture. But their founder have condemned all churches outside their own to be of the devil yet they are using the bible versions of all these churches they have condemned as of the devil. One more thing, theirs is a closed church, no sign of transparency unlike Catholicism and Protestantism are so open that anyone can easily know what is going on insider their churches. The only way to find out what is going on inside first hand is to meet their ministers and be indoctrinated to their religion within six solid months.
Jesus said:
"Use your heart not your mind, but open up your heart and your mind."
"You can only share what you have, what you don't have you cannot share."
If I have peace and serenity in my heart and I don't have any hate or ill feelings against anyone but compassion, love, understanding, care, charity, forgiveness then I could safely says I am under the grace of God and not under the clutches of the evil one. Then I know I am setting on the right chair from God.
You will know more about me on my very first posting here on August 24, 2013 (Saturday): 1. LOOK AT THE BIRDS IN THE SKY, THEY DO NOT SOW OR REAP......
Three of the most favorite ways evil men (& Devils) do to man:
1. Accuse (falsely)
2. Tempt
3. Deceive