
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Jesus wants all of us to be
as peaceful as a Lamb !
He wants us to save lives not destroy !
He wants us to help wherever and whenever we can !
How hard it is to be understanding, to be loving, to be charitable, to be kind and caring? Is it really hard?
Can we all be like Jesus?


Monday, February 24, 2014


"Saint Gertrude Chaplet for 
Release of 50,000 Souls"

This posting is not about what religious beliefs we have. It is simply about those who died ahead of us. If there is love in your heart... you are not denouncing your faith when you click open the above video and pray along. Please let us not limit what God can do for the souls of all who have died just as we offer prayers for all those who are dying. God is truly merciful and because of that let us not assume or judge any departed soul who is somewhere out there beyond our limit of understanding and knowing. Please pray.....

Does it really matter which religion we belong to? Or what our religion has taught us? Will it hurts you to pray for the souls of our dear departed and for everyone's dear departed souls? What if there is really a place of purification (2 Machabees 12:46) after life for no one who is impure can enter the Kingdom of God (Wisdom 7:25).

All we ask of everyone who still care is to watch the whole video for 21:51 minutes while praying along with the video. God's mercy has no limit and surely He will listen and grant us everyone's prayer. 

You may save this video on your computer or bookmark it so you can watch and pray daily. If you can watch this 5 times a day, then you maybe helping 250,000 more souls to finally reach heaven. 

God will always reward more those who give than those who only wants to receive.

Please pass this along to your family and friends and share this on your Facebook and whatever means....

God Bless!  

Published on Jun 4, 2013
[PLEASE READ] For a printable guide to this Chaplet (which you can share with your friends!) - visit my blog -

[6/4/2013] As promised, I have redone my former St Gertrude Chaplet - taking into consideration all of the comments left on the previous video. I have added audio, slowed it down, and to the best of my knowledge, nothing is missing.

If you find my voice to be distracting, feel free to mute the video - no need to be rude about it though . . . I encourage you to pray for the conversion of all souls, for the release of the souls in Purgatory, for all that are discerning their vocation, for our exorcists, and for the guidance of our Church and all world leaders.

If you would like to become more involved in your Catholic faith by joining us in our online New Evangelical and Apologetic ministries ... feel free to ask me for more information or visit us @
[We're on Facebook & Twitter too!]

thank you

This is very complete.. Amen... Alleluia...


I love this prayer for the Holy Souls, also my sister you have a beautiful calm voice, very easy to pray along with.


a perfect video. thanks for uploading.

Wonderful. Amen!

A beautiful meditation.

This is the complete way to pray.

Thank you for your encouragement / feedback and thank you for praying! - God Bless!

Praise to God!

Thank you so much for this video! What a powerful prayer. It's so encouraging to see a fellow young person who takes their faith seriously and cares about the souls in Purgatory. God bless!

Though the Church has no official statement on this, its definitely one of my most comforting thoughts ... In Heaven they will have more knowledge and understanding than our human minds can comprehend I would like to believe that is something God will reveal to them. If you want, you could add an additional prayer following each chaplet asking for the (newly released souls) to, in return, say a prayer for you/your family. Otherwise, our general prayers are strengthened when we unite our prayers

Great Work of Heaven!!! ♥

Very beautiful, but the wording is quite blurry.

What a great up-date to this wonderful Chaplet, and to pray with You makes it a lot easyer, Thank You and God Bless.

Praise God ! Thanks for sharing this!! I always pray all souls in purgatory...

i am a senior citizen i don't know why i can't share this video to the public. i'd failed many times already. i hope somebody could help me. tnx au N advans!!!

PLEASE NOTE: All vulgar, hateful, blasphemous, racist, & inappropriate comments are subject to BOTH deletion & blocking/flagging. If you have a question about the Catholic faith feel free to ask but do so respectfully. I encourage you to leave a prayer request below or send me one in a personal message. Please be respectful of my God, my Church, my faith, my videos, & my viewers.God Bless. -PAX VOBISCUM

Thank you so very much for this wonderful video which shows true devotion & sincerity to God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, & the Holy Spirit, the Blessed virgin Mary & the Communion of Saints, for the release of the multitude of souls in purgatory in response to St. Gertrude. Everyone would be wise, blessed, & most happy to pray for these souls’ release that they might be met by those precious souls when they enter into the presence of Almighty God themselves. 1 rosary for 1 day of life.
Pray along and Help Others go to Heaven.

Does it really matter if this prayer can help thousands of souls to make it to heaven? I would pray this as many times I can if even just one soul is saved in my lifetime. It will be a great life achievement for me. So what's in it for me? If I can serve Jesus this way, then there is no reason why I shouldn't. Would you?

Wrong!! No one can just pray for their release but we "also" have to make sacrifices through suffering 'and/or' fasting. Also, this prayer was given to and intended for St. Maria Faustina 'only' Jesus. He never mentioned 10,000 souls would be released if ANYONE else said it. I have her Diary right here (which your half right half, wrong info came from)

If only 1 soul per year will be  released-- because of that prayer - it will be still worth it  -Peace 


Nice video, except for the Medjugorie reference. 

It is not the number but the quality of life restored to even one Soul that counts, we cannot be harmed by saying this prayer, all of our Paths may not be the same of Blessed Faustina Kowalska and yet the very fact that many have taken the information in her diary and used it to do good within the world in thought, word and deed. Tolerance, respect when disagreeing, hating evil and not persons is forever the Way of Our Lord, his Divine Mother, St. Joseph the Worker. Thank you for this valuable prayer.

This is Fake! NOT REAL!

HIRT Claude via Google+

4 months ago

yes i pray this since very long time allready!CHRIST JESUS bless you to remaind me...HARIOM

The demons of hell and the atheists are enjoying the show that the children of God are putting on here, with your quibbling and name calling. Great that you represent the Body of Christ so well! Grow up! At the very least - by saying this prayer it shows dedication and faith and love to our Lord Jesus Christ and mercy and charity and compassion for others.You don't think that warms the most sacred heart of Jesus?!
You guys remember that whole "love thy neighbor" stuff - RIGHT?
 I pray for God's blessings on all your lives.

can you earn my way into heaven?
can you help another soul earn heaven in any way?
you think cheating is allowing when God tests men..
likewise you cannot cause another to go to hell.
it is 100% self condemnation or righteousness within.

Everyone please stop fighting this is Beautiful prayer matter what religion you are they get past the souls from purgatory long to heaven help them on your way. As long as you are worshiping God and reading your Bible and Being a good Christian in your daily life you are beautiful and wonderful in God's eyes no matter what denomination you follow!!!!

Jesus prayed a few hours a day, we should be like him :)

Nicole Spray via Google+

6 months ago
Nicole Shree Zborial Caravajal audaccccccccccccccccccccity! Audacity Re? Thug Lee Cans b4ya attack entitlements 2food stamps oo-lie que s Hebrew 4maybe, JUST CAUSE maybe n crease minimum wage y we donot mean wages of Southern Lady oggg I feel Blue my state will walk Blue! Audacity Wages must meet like profits of corporations! After expenses not luxuries but, pero comida, shelter ah little achievement 2reach 4freedom of want! We donot want, require ah mansion con cement pond! We of us de ellas require living wage! 11k short s not nice or win-win, nor s an extra fee cause we creation! Audacity MINIMUM? Wage please Red States may we dine on Ralphs' fried gata pescada or gata food? I do not eat gata food cause? Because Onslo would growl! Patches? Would b intrigued! Suffice what we vintage d walk? Allow us 2introduce 2ya! ? ! Racist Roja Estados! Dios que los bendiga as ya hand grace n faith honor prayer n Christ! Amens! Amens! Amens!
Like · Reply · 15 minutes ago
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Turn to Christ Now!!!

Go away. I command you in the Name Of Jesus Christ.

Thankyou for sharing this prayer as I now pray it ten times each morning. Only one question where did this prayer originate from (from a Saint?) God Bless Anthony (Oxford UK)

don't listen to him, just block him, hes just a retarded troll.

So the illiterate aren't saved? I agree that reading scripture and living by it's principles is great. But interestingly enough the Bible does not emphasize reading the word of God but hearing the word of God.

The Bible is clear. In proverbs 30.5-6 Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. Many Scripture talk about adding or subtracting. Purgatory IS NOT in the Bible, or any text. It was added by the catholic church. The Bible is clear in having only one chance in this lifetime. So when you add purgatory ,you will be found a liar. Not my words but Gods word. Google purgatory ,and see for yourself

You sound like an idiot child throwing a hissy fit. Why would you believe that my expressing my perspective is the behavior of a "pompous ass", while you believe that you expressing your perspective is honest and genuine? Doesn't make any sense does it? No, it doesn't. Because it doesn't.